The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more


Pastors Commit Sanctity of Life Sunday to Petitioning for Preborn Lives

Pastors Commit Sanctity of Life Sunday to Petitioning for Preborn Lives
Washington D.C., January 13, 2010 – Pastors across the nation have committed to using January 24 – traditionally Sanctity of Life Sunday – as an opportunity to put their faith in action and gather signatures for the Personhood movement.

“At First Baptist Jackson, we are thrilled to give our people the opportunity to sign a petition to put the Personhood Initiative on the ballot,” stated Pastor Stan Buckley, Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Jackson, Mississippi. “Abortion - the taking of innocent human life - is one of the most important issues facing our state and our nation. We encourage more Christians and more churches to get involved in the fight for life. Getting the Personhood initiative on the ballot is a huge step because we believe the people of Mississippi, if given the opportunity, will choose life!”

Petition drives in Colorado and Mississippi are getting close to having enough signatures to put personhood amendments on the ballot. “In every Personhood campaign, churches are the key,” explained Keith Mason, cofounder of Personhood USA. “This year, we are very excited that hundreds of churches around the country will be honoring the sanctity of life.”

“By default, we are called to protect human life with our God given rights and resources,” added Pastor Adam Briggs of Damascus Road Bible Fellowship in Indiana. “Let all pastors join together and publicly declare the personhood of all human beings!”

Currently Montana, Colorado, Mississippi, Florida and California are all gathering signatures to put personhood amendments on their state’s ballot. In these states pastors can celebrate Petition for Life Sunday by collecting signatures to protect every child by love and by law.

In other states, pastors can encourage their flocks to restore the dignity of every human person, by supporting or even leading the personhood efforts in their state. Over 40 states are working towards Personhood for all human beings.

More information about Petition for Life Sunday is available at

“We will win the battle and restore dignity to every human person in America! Let’s use the coming sanctity of life Sunday to protect children not just in word, but also in deed by affirming their personhood rights in our law and by love,” concluded Mason.

Personhood USA is a grassroots Christian organization founded to establish personhood efforts across America to create protection for every child by love and by law. Personhood USA is committed to assisting and supporting Personhood Legislation and Constitutional Amendments and building local pro-life organizations through raising awareness of the personhood of the pre-born.

Pastors Commit Sanctity of Life Sunday to Petitioning for Preborn Lives

Pastors Commit Sanctity of Life Sunday to Petitioning for Preborn Lives
Washington D.C., January 13, 2010 – Pastors across the nation have committed to using January 24 – traditionally Sanctity of Life Sunday – as an opportunity to put their faith in action and gather signatures for the Personhood movement.

“At First Baptist Jackson, we are thrilled to give our people the opportunity to sign a petition to put the Personhood Initiative on the ballot,” stated Pastor Stan Buckley, Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Jackson, Mississippi. “Abortion - the taking of innocent human life - is one of the most important issues facing our state and our nation. We encourage more Christians and more churches to get involved in the fight for life. Getting the Personhood initiative on the ballot is a huge step because we believe the people of Mississippi, if given the opportunity, will choose life!”

Petition drives in Colorado and Mississippi are getting close to having enough signatures to put personhood amendments on the ballot. “In every Personhood campaign, churches are the key,” explained Keith Mason, cofounder of Personhood USA. “This year, we are very excited that hundreds of churches around the country will be honoring the sanctity of life.”

“By default, we are called to protect human life with our God given rights and resources,” added Pastor Adam Briggs of Damascus Road Bible Fellowship in Indiana. “Let all pastors join together and publicly declare the personhood of all human beings!”

Currently Montana, Colorado, Mississippi, Florida and California are all gathering signatures to put personhood amendments on their state’s ballot. In these states pastors can celebrate Petition for Life Sunday by collecting signatures to protect every child by love and by law.

In other states, pastors can encourage their flocks to restore the dignity of every human person, by supporting or even leading the personhood efforts in their state. Over 40 states are working towards Personhood for all human beings.

More information about Petition for Life Sunday is available at

“We will win the battle and restore dignity to every human person in America! Let’s use the coming sanctity of life Sunday to protect children not just in word, but also in deed by affirming their personhood rights in our law and by love,” concluded Mason.

Personhood USA is a grassroots Christian organization founded to establish personhood efforts across America to create protection for every child by love and by law. Personhood USA is committed to assisting and supporting Personhood Legislation and Constitutional Amendments and building local pro-life organizations through raising awareness of the personhood of the pre-born.

They are shaking in their blood stained boots.

What pro-life movement is being sued in three states by Planned Parenthood, the world’s largest abortion provider?

What pro-life organization has been named by NARAL pro-choice America as one of the top threats to abortion in America?

Personhood USA has been nominated as the only Pro-life organization on NARAL’s 2009 “Hall of Shame” - those who pose the greatest threat to abortion in America.

We have only been around one year, but we are already making the pro-abortion “elite” shake in their blood stained boots!

Personhood is shaking them to their core.

In three states, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU have teamed up and are filing lawsuits to stop personhood efforts before they even get started!

As the saying goes “you are known by your enemies”, and I can’t think of a better enemy to have than the NARAL Pro-Choice America!

This vile organization notes those they are most proud of, and those they are most terrified of, every year for their “Hall of Fame” and “Hall of Shame”.

We receive this attack as an honor! Because it is even more proof that Personhood is the right strategy, and that we are very effective in battling against the evil of abortion!!

Why are they so scared?

Because of you!

Because of great pro-life folks like you who have made the commitment to protect every child by love and by law.

The Personhood movement has exploded all across the Nation, but I want to bring the two most critical states to your attention.

We are now in the final six week stretch in both Mississippi and Colorado to gather signatures to place constitutional amendments on their respective ballots.

Let’s keep the pro-aborts petrified by turning in enough signatures in both Colorado and Mississippi!

We must have the help of pro-lifers all across the nation to achieve this victory.

Personhood USA must raise $60,000 this week to invest in Mississippi and Colorado to ensure ballot access.

We will spend this money building the grassroots in each state activating pro-lifers to go to their churches and communities gathering signatures to restore dignity to every human person!

Your contribution of $50 will cost the pro-abortion folks $250!

We know that when we put THE TRUTH of Personhood on the ballot it makes the pro-abortion folks spend money to fight us, which is exactly what we want!

Every time we put personhood on the ballot, we force that state and the nation to deal with the simple truth that every human is a person no matter how small. This also provides us with immeasurable opportunities to educate on the humanity of the preborn.

We are in this to win! And winning means changing not only the laws in this nation but the very mindset that robs the dignity of these tiny human persons.

NARAL is scared of us because Personhood USA is comprised of pro-lifers just like you who sacrifice everything we have for these little babies.

No one at Personhood USA takes salary, and none of the leaders of the State Personhood Campaign do either.

This is a ministry of love for our neighbor.

Can we count on you to push us over the edge financially and help ensure ballot access in Mississippi and Colorado?

At this time of urgency, because of our signature deadlines, your contribution will go a long way!

On average the pro-abortion folks spend $5 for every $1 we spend.

So the $60,000 we MUST invest into these to states in the month of January will likely result in $300,000 of pro-abortion money being spent!

But the main thing is that when we achieve ballot access in Mississippi and Colorado we will be pushing this Nation closer to ending abortion FOR GOOD!

Can we count on you to help us achieve Ballot Access in Mississippi and Colorado?

Your contribution of $100 would make the pro-abortion minions spend $500.

Your contribution of $20 would make the pro-abortion minions spend $100.

Your contribution of $10,000 would make the pro-abortion minions spend $50,000.

There are many who want to sign petitions and many who want to carry petitions, but we must have the funds to activate these people.

Will you help today?

You can invest in what NARAL calls one of the greatest threats to abortion in America online by clicking here:

Or by mail by sending a check to :
Personhood USA
PO Box 486
Arvada, Co. 80001

Or contribute to each campaign directly at:

Either way please consider contributing today, because time is short, and our little neighbors need us!

Thank you for your faithfulness and prayers, and God bless you.
Keith Mason
Personhood USA

PS: It is an honor to strike fear in the hearts of pro-death forces alongside you! ~ Keith

Supreme Court Says Personhood Is The Way To Go!

Personhood was widely discussed at the Supreme Court oral arguments for Roe v. Wade.
Note that among other things, the judges state that:
“The basic constitutional question, initially is, whether or not the unborn fetus is a person. That’s critical to this case is it not?”
“Could Texas, constitutionally in your view, declare, by statute, that a fetus is a person for all constitutional purposes?”(Chief Justice Burger)
“The state could OBVIOUSLY adopt that kind of statute, and then it would have to be adjudicated.” (Pro-abort Attorney, Sarah Weddington)

Personhood USA Marks 1st Anniversary; Announces Strategy for 2010...Personhood In Every State.

Denver, Colorado – November 5, 2009 marks the one-year anniversary of the inception of Personhood USA. Following the Nation’s first-ever Personhood effort to reach an election ballot, Personhood USA was launched by the Colorado campaign’s full-time coordinators, Cal Zastrow and Keith Mason.

. For the first time, Personhood USA is releasing the full list of states participating in Personhood efforts. The complete list is available at

In 2009, Personhood USA exploded into thirty-two states, serving as an advocacy organization for pre-born babies through peaceful activism, legislative efforts, and ballot-access petition initiatives, amassing over 40,000 grassroots volunteers. Personhood USA has seen a staggering number of first-time-ever pro-life volunteers, along with an influx of seasoned pro-lifers who have not participated in pro-life ministry for many years.

“Personhood offers a new hope for pre-born babies that’s exciting and motivating,” remarked Brenda Macmenamin, sponsor of Personhood Florida. “Pro-life Americans are encouraged and inspired as they haven’t been in years.”

“Our goal has been to serve Jesus Christ and offer support to grassroots pro-lifers,” stated Cal Zastrow, co-founder of Personhood USA. “Personhood USA exists to support, encourage, and assist Personhood movements across the country. We are excited to keep this fight against the dehumanization and murder of preborn children moving forward.”

In the past year, Personhood USA has been featured in Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, The Chicago Tribune, The Las Vegas Review Journal, and numerous other newspapers, blogs, web sites, and radio shows, including acclaimed online news source World Net Daily.

Today Personhood USA announces its goal for 2010: Personhood initiatives in all 50 states. Personhood USA aims to begin, pass, defend, and apply Personhood initiatives in every state, educating every American citizen and making abortion unimaginable.

“Every Personhood attempt is a success,” explained Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. “We are growing by leaps and bounds, and every attempt offers new opportunities to educate Americans about the value of life. All human beings are people, and we must ensure that their right to live is recognized and protected. That is why, with God’s blessing, by the end of 2010 Personhood USA plans to be in every one of the United States of America.”


Here is a collection of coverage simply from the launch of the 2010 Colorado Personhood Initiative. 

As we continue our petition efforts, remember: the victory is ours, because we know the Way, the Truth, and the Light, and we are carrying it to our brothers and sisters as we are called to do.

Come to the State Fair and help Personhood Colorado!



Personhood Colorado needs volunteers for the Colorado State Fair throughout the week and especially this weekend. The fair is a great place to gather signatures, and your help is greatly needed. Personhood Colorado will be at the fair through Monday the 7th of September. Any volunteers who could come are greatly appreciated.


Matthew 9:37

“...The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few."8

Press Conference: Colorado Personhood Amendment Launches State’s First All-Volunteer Initiative.

Denver, Co August 24/  Tomorrow's press conference will launch the 2010 Personhood Amendment petition drive with a request to re-activate a thousand volunteer petitioners from 2008.
The Colorado Secretary Of State title board has given the unanimous go ahead for the new Personhood effort to begin gathering the 76,047 signatures required to place the amendment on the November 2010 ballot. 

The press conference, at a post office, will announce that the campaign will strive to become the first initiative campaign in Colorado to be run completely by volunteers.  The campaign will build upon last year's effort, reactivating by mail the 1,000 circulators that gathered the 131,000 signatures in 2008.

The petition drive will launch by addressing head on the hard cases of rape and incest with comments from our campaign spokesperson, Sherri Williams, herself a victim of rape.
What: Press Conference to activate over 1,000 volunteers

When: Tuesday August 25  10:30-11:00

Where: US Post Office 225 S Broadway Denver Colorado

"We are pleased that once again the Colorado Secretary Of State has seen through objections of Planned Parenthood and has allowed the personhood campaign to move forward" Said initiative co-sponsor Gualberto Garcia Jones J.D. 

"As we continue to press forward, we are seeing incremental advances for the personhood rights of the preborn."  Said Leslie Hanks, initiative co-sponsor.

For Questions Please Call
Personhood Colorado 303-456-2800
Colorado Right To Life 303-753-9394

Colorado Secretary of State’s Title Board Unanimously Approves Proposed Personhood Amendment Language

Colorado Secretary of State’s Title Board Unanimously Approves Proposed Personhood Amendment Language

For Immediate Release

 August 5, 2009 Denver, Colorado – The offices of the Colorado Attorney General, The Secretary of State, and Legislative Legal Services voted 3-0 that the proposed 2010 Personhood Amendment meets the required single subject rule and also voted 3-0 that the language is not misleading.

Personhood Colorado Director, Gualberto Garcia Jones J.D., and Colorado Right to Life V.P., Leslie Hanks, explained the technical difference between the 2008 Personhood Amendment and this year’s. 

“Our decision to use the words ‘the beginning of biological development of a human being’ as opposed to ‘the moment of fertilization’ allows us to protect all human beings, even those originating from asexual forms of reproduction,” said Leslie Hanks.

 Several changes were suggested by members of the Title Board to the draft submitted by Legislative Legal Services; these changes were welcomed by the proponents. “The language suggested by the Title board reinforced our most fundamental  civic principle,” noted Gualberto Garcia Jones.  “While the state has no authority to grant inalienable rights, it has the obligation to protect them, and we believe the 2010 Personhood Amendment language accomplishes that ,” said Garcia Jones.


The Title as designated and fixed by the board now reads, “An amendment to the Colorado Constitution applying the term “person” as used in those provisions of the Colorado Constitution relating to inalienable rights, equality of justice, and
due process of law, to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”


In 2007, the Colorado State Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision upholding a similar ruling by the Title Board.


Proposed changes in the language prompted a discussion and concern that the language could be interpreted as allowing the inclusion of apes as “persons” just as other nations are currently considering.  The proponents were pleased to accept language that excludes that possibility. 


“Today the Attorney General’s office, The Secretary of State’s office and Office of Legislative Legal Services made it clear that the language of the 2010 Personhood Amendment satisfied their statutory requirements,” said Garcia Jones, “we are pleased that the amendment will extend the protections of our constitution to all human beings.”


The proponents of the 2010 Personhood Amendment are looking forward to an unprecedented grass roots campaign to collect the necessary signatures to put the 2010 Personhood Amendment on the ballot.


 For interviews with Colorado Right to Life V.P., Leslie Hanks please contact Donna at Colorado Right to Life: 303 753-9394

For interviews with the Director of Personhood Colorado, Gualberto Garcia Jones J.D. please call 303 456 2800

PersonhoodUSA Summit Video

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