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Over 30,000 march in Ireland to oppose suicide-excuse abortion bill

The Irish Times reports that over 30,000 pro-lifers marched on Saturday in Dublin to oppose a bill to weaken protection for the unborn. If put in law, the bill will allow abortion for suicide ideation, undermining the unborn baby's inherent right to life.

Irish pro-lifers stand against suicide-excuse abortion

Some of our Irish friends stand to fight against the Irish government as it considers legalizing abortion for psychological reasons (when the woman threatens suicide).


Your baby has some serious problems, you better kill her.

Claire Murphy at tells how doctors suggested to Jennifer and John Kehoe that they kill their unborn baby Louise because Louise had some severe health defects.

I always remember the very last thing that was said to us by the obstetrician on the last day, ‘50pc mortality by age five, John.'

Because the kid has only a 50% chance of survival to age 5, it’s better to kill the kid now. That way, the baby gets to die and the parents get to spend the rest of their lives knowing that they killed their baby instead of loving her.

Why can’t pro-aborts see how sick that is?

I suggest you read the entire article.

Claire Murphy at tells how doctors suggested to Jennifer and John Kehoe that they kill their unborn baby Louise because Louise had some severe health defects.

“I always remember the very last thing that was said to us by the obstetrician on the last day, ‘50pc mortality by age five, John.'“

Because the kid has only a 50% chance of survival to age 5, it’s better to kill the kid now. That way, the baby gets to die and the parents get to spend the rest of their lives knowing that they killed their baby instead of loving her. Why can’t pro-aborts see how sick that is?

I suggest you read the entire article.

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Claire Murphy at tells how doctors suggested to Jennifer and John Kehoe that they kill their unborn baby Louise because Louise had some severe health defects.

“I always remember the very last thing that was said to us by the obstetrician on the last day, ‘50pc mortality by age five, John.'“

Because the kid has only a 50% chance of survival to age 5, it’s better to kill the kid now. That way, the baby gets to die and the parents get to spend the rest of their lives knowing that they killed their baby instead of loving her. Why can’t pro-aborts see how sick that is?

I suggest you read the entire article.

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Irish legislators secretly plan to use suicide-excuse-abortion to get abortion-on-demand reports that a pro-lifer recorded pro-abortion Irish legislators who secretly planned using suicide-excuse-abortion as a first step toward abortion-on-demand:

Dublin North Central TD Aodhan O Riordain said the X Case legislation was only "a starting point" but added that he said he would not state this publicly, while Wicklow TD Anne Ferris said that attempts to widen the legislation would commence in the next Government, should Labour remain in office.

Killing a baby cannot be justified on the mother’s psychological condition. So there is no need to discuss the slippery slope. “Unless you allow me to murder my baby, I’m going to kill both of us.” It’s absurd.

Yet, the slippery slope exists. The pro-abortion legislators are correct that once they get to kill babies for supposed suicidal ideation, why not because of other alleged psychological or emotional difficulties? If the Irish abandon the fact that human beings have a right to life based on their existence as human beings, they’ll start killing them for any reason whatsoever, as we do in the US.

Inquest blames medical staff for Savita Halappanavar’s death

An inquest into Savita Halappanavar’s death in an Irish hospital has returned a verdict of “Medical Misadventure”. News reports are trying to connect her death to an earlier refusal to abort her unborn child. Staff had refused to remove the baby because, at the time of the refusal, her life wasn’t in jeopardy. Ms. Halappanavar’s condition quickly deteriorated and miscommunication among medical staff meant that she didn’t get the treatment she needed.

Pro-aborts want to use Ms. Halappanavar’s death for expanding abortion in Ireland. Her tragic death shouldn’t be used as an excuse to kill babies. Instead, the Irish should make sure that the medical malpractice exhibited in Ms. Halappanavar’s case is avoided in the future.

Irish Medical Organization rejects abortion

Good news from Ireland. According RTE News Ireland:

The Irish Medical Organisation has rejected a motion supporting regulation of abortion in line with the X Case following a heated and emotive debate.

The "X Case" references a 1992 Ireland Supreme Court case where the pregnancy of a 14 year old statutory rape victim was supposedly causing her to be suicidal. “X” was an alias to protect the privacy of the minor girl. A Life Institute post describes the decision:

In a surprise verdict, the Supreme Court, by a split decision, delivered on March 5th [1992], held that the threat of suicide constituted a "real and substantial risk to the life of the mother"

The verdict was the equivalent of Roe v. Wade, opening the door for on-demand abortion. The Irish, showing themselves much wiser than Americans, ignored the ruling.

Back to the RTE report:

The AGM has also rejected abortion in the case of victims of rape or incest who become pregnant.

Doctors also rejected a call for legislation for abortion in the case of a woman with a non-viable foetal abnormality.

Wow, a medical organization that actually upholds the sanctity of human life. Dr. Booth, the President of the North Dakota Medical Association, should take note.

Feel sorry for me, I had to leave the country to kill my baby.

Ruth Bowie found out that her unborn baby had anencephaly, so she had to kill her.  Pro-abort Sarah Parvini, in a Religion News Service article, puts it this way:

Ireland’s stringent abortion laws made it impossible for her to terminate the pregnancy in her home country— and she refused to give birth to a child who had no chance of surviving outside the womb.

"You give me news that the baby we very much want is going to die, and now I have to go to another country,” Bowie said. “It’s like kicking you when you’re down.”

Ms. Bowie didn’t have a choice. She had to go. It simply wasn’t an option to give birth to the innocent baby and hold her with love until she died peacefully in her mother’s arms. That was just beyond the pale. No, that baby needed to have her arms and legs ripped off. She needed ripped apart and thrown in the trash.

Contrast this with Faith Walker's story.

Irish government considering legalizing a “limited form of abortion”.

According to this article in The Economist, the Irish government is considering legalizing a “limited form of abortion”.

Here’s the opening statement from the article:

THE Irish Supreme Court ruled 21 years ago that abortion was legal if the risk that pregnancy might prompt suicide put the life of a woman in grave danger.... Yet successive governments ignored the court’s decision.

Like its US cousin, the Irish Supreme Court ignored its governing Constitution in an attempt to establish legalized abortion. But successive Irish governments have shown themselves far brighter than US state and federal governments. The Irish know that judicial activist rulings should be ignored.

In fact the government’s proposals will provide little more than a legal framework to underpin the Supreme Court’s 1992 decision. Yet the anti-abortion lobby resists even such a limited move, because it sees a new law as paving the way for a broader, more liberal regime. In the words of one Catholic bishop, the proposals mark the “first step on the road to a culture of death”.

The bishop is correct. Allowing baby-killing because of the mother’s mental state is nothing less than all out abortion-on-demand.

It’s a bit disturbing that the author attempts to undermine the legitimacy of Ireland’s abortion laws by referring to the European Court of Human Rights. That court isn’t about protecting human rights but trampling on them.  The court shares with most European countries complete support for killing unborn babies in the womb. Ireland should ignore such calls for a more “liberal” abortion regime.

The author also ignores inconvenient facts regarding the pregnant mother who died in Galway after a miscarriage. She may never have requested an abortion. Furthermore, in Ireland, treatment of pregnant mothers is legal, even when that treatment may involve removing the child or the death of the child. So, this case is simply a smoke screen under which pro-aborts move to advance their baby-killing agenda.

Biggest Irish pro-life rally ever - Over 30,000

Greetings from Dublin,
Last night nearly 1% of the population of Ireland attended the vigil for life.

The numbers equate to having about 2.5 million at the march for life in DC.

It was an honor to be a part of history, now lets continue to pray and work to protect all life.

Check out this video on YouTube:

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