The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more


Kansas sort of recognizes life from conception

The Kansas legislature has passed an “omnibus” abortion bill, HB 2253. It’s so big that just the summary of the bill takes several pages. The bill states, in its findings, what should be obvious to everyone:

(1) The life of each human being begins at fertilization;
(2) unborn children have interests in life, health and well-being that should be protected; and
(3) the parents of unborn children have protectable interests in the life, health and well-being of the unborn children of such parents.
(b) On and after July 1, 2013, the laws of this state shall be interpreted and construed to acknowledge on behalf of the unborn child at every stage of development, all the rights, privileges and immunities available to other persons, citizens and residents of this state…

Too bad Kansas legislators didn’t just stop right there. Wouldn’t that alone be a beautiful law, one worthy of full support?

But instead the bill kowtows to the Supreme Court and contrary laws. Here’s the rest of 3(b):

…subject only to the constitution of the United States, and decisional interpretations thereof by the United States supreme court and specific provisions to the contrary in the Kansas constitution and the Kansas Statutes Annotated.

Just great. It states principle and truth only to negate it. That’s making a stand.

I like what the ACLU said about it. AP’s John Hanna reports that:

[Pro-aborts] don’t trust assertions from abortion opponents that the language on when life begins represents only a statement of principles.

"Could it be used as a tool of harassment? Absolutely," said Holly Weatherford, lobbyist and program director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Kansas and Western Missouri.

The ACLU is against harassment, except of course, when the victim is a child sleeping soundly in her mother’s womb.

Abortionists think they're helping women

Here’s another clip from the movie “After Tiller”:

“Is your ‘story’ good enough to warrant killing your baby?” ummmmm. What else can you expect from someone who kills babies for a living?

Pro-lifers often make the mistake of assuming that abortionists are in it for money. No doubt, killing babies is lucrative. Even so, I think most abortionists actually convince themselves that they’re helping women. The baby is a “problem” and problems need gotten rid of. We shouldn’t malign motives but make the case that killing an innocent human being isn’t an acceptable way to help anyone.

On a different subject, Abortionist Susan Robinson appears to be confused about the law. In the video clip, she begins by saying:

Kansas law required that the patient present a story that compelled you, the [abortionist], to believe that this pregnancy threatened her life, or her emotional health, mental health, family health, safety or wellbeing.

This is straight from Doe v. Bolton, decided on the same day as Roe v. Wade. Doe defines the “health exception” declared in Roe to include “all factors - physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman's age - relevant to the wellbeing of the patient. All these factors may relate to health.” This is carte-blanche abortion. You wonder how (or if) she really struggled to determine that a “story” fit into to such a broad definition.

Actual Kansas law says that an abortion cannot be committed on a viable or “pain-capable” child unless:

The abortion is necessary to preserve the life of the pregnant woman; or a continuation of the pregnancy will cause a substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman.

For a non-viable child, it’s purely open season.

New Mexico law (Chap 30, Article 5) is much better because it doesn’t make a distinction between viable and nonviable children:

Criminal abortion consists of administering to any pregnant woman any medicine, drug or other substance, or using any method or means whereby an untimely termination of her pregnancy is produced, or attempted to be produced, with the intent to destroy the fetus, and the termination is not a justified medical termination. 

Of course, both New Mexico and Kansas law are ignored as people bow in worship of the Supreme Court.

I'm puzzled why Abortionist Robinson thinks there’s more leeway in killing babies in New Mexico than in Kansas.

Kansas law bans insurance coverage of elective abortion

According to the Huffington Post, the ACLU has dropped its challenge to a Kansas law that bans elective abortion in insurance coverage.  You’ll notice that the law (see below) specifically states that abortion coverage can be purchased. That’s disappointing because we should create laws that ban elective abortion as much as possible without implying support for any elective abortions.

New Sec. 8. (a) Any individual or group health insurance policy, medical service plan, contract, hospital service corporation contract, hospital and medical service corporation contract, fraternal benefit society or health maintenance organization, municipal group-funded pool and the state employee health care benefits plan which is delivered, issued for delivery, amended or renewed on or after July 1, 2011, shall exclude coverage for elective abortions, unless the procedure is necessary to preserve the life of the mother. Coverage for abortions may be obtained through an optional rider for which an additional premium is paid. The premium for the optional rider shall be calculated so that it fully covers the estimated cost of covering elective abortions per enrollee as determined on an average actuarial basis. (Emphasis added)

(b) No health insurance exchange established within this state or any health insurance exchange administered by the federal government or its agencies within this state shall offer health insurance contracts, plans, or policies that provide coverage for elective abortions, nor shall any health insurance exchange operating within this state offer coverage for elective abortions through the purchase of an optional rider.

(c) For the purposes of this section:
 (1) ‘‘Abortion’’ means the use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug or any other substance or device to terminate the pregnancy of a woman known to be pregnant with an intention other than to increase the probability of a live birth, to preserve the life or health of the child after live birth, or to remove a dead unborn child who died as the result of natural causes in utero, accidental trauma or a criminal assault on the pregnant woman or her unborn child and which causes the premature termination of the pregnancy.
(2) ‘‘Elective’’ means an abortion for any reason other than to prevent the death of the mother upon whom the abortion is performed; provided, that an abortion may not be deemed one to prevent the death of the mother based on a claim or diagnosis that she will engage in conduct which will result in her death.

Kansas abortion measure to challenge 'Roe'

More than two dozen House members Friday endorsed a proposed amendment to the Kansas Constitution that sponsors believe would deliver a ban on abortion.

The amendment, if passed by legislators in the 2012 session and approved by voters in November, would guarantee — regardless of age — rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness to the unborn.

A contingent of 25 Republicans and one Democrat sponsoring the measure relied upon this cherished constitutional expression to shape an abortion prohibition by defining the beginning of life as the moment eggs are fertilized. The amendment is an invitation to a constitutional challenge of U.S. Supreme Court precedent set by Roe v. Wade in 1973.

“The Kansas personhood amendment is an opportunity to guarantee the basic human rights of every person, young or old, and end this battle, once and for all,” said Bruce Garren, chairman of the Personhood Kansas Committee.

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Planned Parenthood Likely Unaffected by Kansas Abortion Regulations; Personhood Kansas Calls for Amendment to Close the Doors Permanently

A new Kansas abortion law will close one of the state’s three remaining abortion facilities and is likely to force a second to discontinue providing surgical abortions. The Aid for Women clinic in Kansas City was denied a license by the state health department last week based on information obtained from their application, and the director of the second clinic in Overland Park was quoted saying, “We’re doomed.”

However, Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri President, Peter Brownlie, is optimistic following a 20-hour inspection of the organization’s Overland Park location. “The findings of the inspection indicate we will be in full compliance with the abortion facility license regulations when they go into effect on July 1,” stated Brownlie. “Thus, I believe we should be granted a license.”

Personhood Kansas weighed in on the developments. “The legislature has passed every abortion regulation imaginable. No baby is safe from the grasp of the abortionists until the personhood of every human being is affirmed by law,” explained Committee Chairperson, Bruce Garren.

Meanwhile, Mila Means, a family practitioner who has been training to perform abortions at the Aid for Women clinic, revealed plans last week to form a non-profit for the purposes of raising a million dollars and opening a new abortion facility in Wichita. “The requirements are not discouraging,” she said. “There are so many redundancies that are not important for the woman’s safety that are built into this bill specifically to deny access, and that really makes me angry. That probably reinforced my decision to keep working in this direction.”

The Kansas National Organization for Women hosted an event described as a “community discussion” at an area church on Friday to kick off Mean’s fundraising campaign. “I want people to know there are still those of us still going forward to try and keep this legal and safe procedure out there for the women who really need it,” said Means. “I will continue to work on this as a goal.” Pro-abortion author and panelist, Stephen Singular, chimed in, “It’s time to start pushing back. I think it’s the only thing the other side will understand.”

Similarly, a law enacted last year in Nebraska that restricts abortion after 20 weeks based on the capacity of preborn children to feel pain forced notorious abortionist, Leroy Carhart, to leave the state for the less restrictive laws of Maryland. The move prompted Planned Parenthood of the Heartland to announce their intentions to open six new locations throughout the state.

“Laws that regulate abortion may temporarily disable the abortion industry, but they do not end it. Anyone with the resources to do so can and will continue to kill children in our state,” continued Garren. “The people of Kansas deserve to have their voices heard, and we renew our call to recognize the God-given and inalienable rights of the preborn.”

Personhood Kansas is a grassroots coalition of local pro-life citizens and organizations campaigning for an amendment to the Kansas Constitution recognizing the legal personhood rights of every human being.

Regional Conference to Feature National Personhood Leaders

Contact Keith Ashley
[email protected]

Regional Conference to Feature National Personhood Leaders

July 14th, 2010 - Personhood Kansas, in conjunction with Right to Life of Kansas, is excited to announce plans for the Midwest Personhood Pro-life Conference to be held on Saturday, September 11th, 2010, at Riverlawn Christian Church in Wichita, Kansas.

The event will provide state personhood leaders across the country an opportunity to network with one another and determine the most effective strategies for pursuing personhood measures in their various states.

“We’re intent on protecting every child by love and by law in the state of Kansas, and we want to share that enthusiasm with others in the region,” says Keith Ashley of Personhood Kansas. “This is an invitation to every pro-life advocate dedicated to ending abortion. Whether your group is pursuing personhood in your state, or this is new to you and you want to learn more, feel free to join us.”

Panelists and speakers confirmed for the conference include; Rev. Walter Hoye, President of the California Civil Rights Foundation and Issues4Life Foundation, and a leader of the California Human Rights Amendment initiative; Rebecca Kiessling, International Pro-life Speaker, Attorney, and Adoptee who discovered her conception was the result of rape; Johanna Dasteel, Senior Legislative Liaison with the American Life League; Rev. Flip Benham, Director of Operation Save America; Gualberto Garcia Jones, Attorney and President of Personhood Colorado; and Keith Mason and Cal Zastrow, Co-Founders of Personhood USA.

“All of our guests will contribute something different to the discussion—experience with successful personhood initiatives, legal and legislative expertise, or an understanding of the moral imperative of working towards recognizing the dignity of all human persons,” Ashley continues. “We are going to be covering a range of topics and answering your questions. Please consider attending this important event as we determine the best way forward.”

This event is free to the public. A gift offering will be accepted. Catered meals will be provided. RSVP instructions, venue directions, schedule of events, and hotel options are available online at

Personhood Rocks Three New States

Personhood has expanded into three new states, including Iowa, Virginia, and Kansas. Beginning on January 13, Virginia introduced HB 112, a bill to guarantee the constitutional rights of preborn children. Shortly after, Iowa introduced HJR 2003 proposing a joint resolution for an amendment including a right to life for all men and women, irrespective of age. The same day, Kansas introduced a personhood amendment to the revisor’s office.

“A two-thirds majority of both legislative houses is needed to pass the amendment and that can be a rather challenging endeavor, so it is of the utmost importance that Kansans voice their desire to see this measure passed,” explained Keith Ashley, Personhood Kansas petition organizer.
Although attempting Personhood through several different avenues, all three call for a recognition of rights for preborn babies from the moment of their biological beginning.

“Personhood is a revolution of the pro-life movement,” stated Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. “It challenges what’s been done in the past, stimulates the movement’s present, and eradicates the need for pro-life efforts in the future. Personhood is the best hope to end abortion in America.”

Personhood USA will continue to serve as a support system for Iowa, Virginia, and Kansas, as well as the 5 states currently collecting signatures, and the scores of states working on Personhood legislation.

Personhood USA is a grassroots, Christian organization founded to establish personhood efforts across America to create protection for every child by love and by law. Personhood USA is committed to assisting and supporting Personhood Legislation and Constitutional Amendments and building local pro-life organizations through raising awareness of the personhood of the pre-born.

Personhood Kansas Launches Campaign to Amend Constitution, Recognize Human Rights

Contact Keith Ashley
[email protected]
January, 26TH, 2010

Personhood Kansas Launches Campaign to Amend Constitution, Recognize Human Rights

A new Kansas pro-life organization, Personhood Kansas, is seeking to partner with Christian and pro-life leaders, activists, and volunteers to form a statewide, grassroots coalition. The group was created for a single purpose—to conduct a campaign which results in the amending of the Kansas Constitution so that every child of God is protected by love and by law.
Similar groups have sprung up in several states after Personhood Colorado attempted to amend Colorado’s constitution on Election Day 2008. “The effectiveness of the personhood coalition in Colorado has really been the inspiration. They were the first to demonstrate how close we are to recognizing the personhood of the preborn,” said Keith Ashley, Personhood Kansas Petition Drive Coordinator.
Personhood Kansas has advised the drafting of language that would recognize the right to personhood for all human beings from the biological beginning of human development. “Basic biology explains that human life begins at the moment of fertilization. This is the moment when we are no longer talking about functional parts of a woman and a man, but rather, we see a complete, genetically unique, living human being. Just like injustices in the past that relied on the ‘not all human beings are persons’ argument because of our differences such as race or gender, so too, denying the preborn full human personhood is discrimination based on an equally arbitrary human property—age,” explains Ashley.
The organization has started a statewide petition drive with the intent to deliver the responses to the state legislature. “A two-thirds majority of both legislative houses is needed to pass the amendment and that can be a rather challenging endeavor, so it is of the utmost importance that Kansans voice their desire to see this measure passed,” said Ashley.
The amendment process will then call for a referendum which will give Kansans an opportunity to vote the measure into law. “An advantage of a constitutional amendment is that it will be the supreme law of the state. But equally as advantageous is that the process will skip the pro-abortion Governor’s desk altogether and go directly to the people,” Ashley continues.
Personhood Kansas is calling on all Christian and pro-life leaders to get involved by announcing the petition drive and collecting signatures from their churches, parishes, organizations, and events, and by networking with leaders throughout the state. Future plans include a mass emailing and calling campaign, but the group is not advising citizens to wait for instructions. Rather, they are encouraging citizens to start contacting their legislators immediately to voice their support for human personhood in Kansas.
For more information regarding the personhood coalition in Kansas go to or email them at [email protected].

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