The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more


IVF in a state that protects embryos versus IVF in a state that doesn't

Abortion advocates claim that recognizing that newly conceived human beings (embryos) are persons under the law will ban in vitro fertilization. But the facts tell a different story.

In 1986, Louisiana recognized embryos in IVF clinics as legal persons. Did in vitro doctors run off to other states or did they continue to help infertile couples in Louisiana?

Consider this 2011 report from the Society for Reproductive Technology regarding Louisiana:



Live Birth Rate per Xfer

Cycles For Women Under 35

Avg Embryo Xfer

Total Cycles All Groups

Fertility and Women's Health Center of Louisiana

Lafayette, LA





Center for Fertility & Reproductive Health

Shreveport, LA





The Fertility Institute of New Orleans

Mandeville, LA





A Woman's Center for Reproductive Medicine

Baton Rouge, LA






Compare to this 2011 report regarding North Dakota:

Sanford Reproductive Medicine

Fargo, ND






The most obvious point is that recognizing embryos as persons has not driven in vitro fertilization from Louisiana.  Looking at the data, the Live Birth Rate stats for the top three Louisiana clinics are about the same as the stats for North Dakota’s lone IVF clinic.

Personhood Mississippi sends daughter of rape victim on tour to garner support for abortion criminalization measure

by Sofia Resnick | 06.09.11 | 4:30 pm…

Before Mississippians have a chance vote on the criminalization of abortion in the 2011 general election (and before the Mississippi Supreme Court rules whether or not to prevent the constitutional amendment from going on the ballot), the anti-abortion rights activists behind the movement are making concerted efforts to ensure the measure has the votes to pass.

The inclusion of the “personhood” ballot question — “Should the term ‘person’ be defined to include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the equivalent thereof?” — was the result of a citizens’ initiative, led by anti-abortion rights group Personhood Mississippi, the local affiliate of Personhood USA.

Last week, in a preemptive move to diffuse any concerns that the measure — Amendment 26 — criminalizing abortion would negatively impact victims of rape or incest, Personhood Mississippi held a week-long “Conceived in Rape Lecture Series,” held in Southaven, Laurel, Meridian and Gulfport, during which Personhood spokesperson and attorney Rebecca Kiessling told her story.

According to Kiessling, she was conceived during rape and put up for adoption. Then when she located her birth mother as a young adult, she says her mother told her that, had abortion been legal at the time of her pregnancy, she would have aborted Kiessling.

Kiessling on being a prospective target for abortion:

According to Personhood USA spokesperson Jennifer Mason, the tour also served as a fundraiser; donations go to so-called crisis pregnancy centers in the state.

On the Rachel Maddow Show Wednesday night, Maddow blasted the group’s tour, saying the Personhood activists “are forcing women who are victims in rape to bear the rapist’s child.”

Watch an excerpt from the show:

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On Thursday, Personhood USA released a statement in response to Maddow’s comments:

“I am not the rapist’s child!” Kiessling writes in the statement. “He doesn’t even know of my existence, as in most rape cases. And what an insult to the majority of rape victims who not only choose life for their child, but choose to raise their child — after everything they’ve been through, Maddow has the audacity to refer to the rape victim’s child as being ‘the rapist’s child’?! She does not speak for the majority of rape victims who express that their child has brought them healing, helping them to overcome the rape. The ones who abort are four times more likely to die within the next year. If you truly have compassion for a rape victim, you’d want to protect her from the abortion and not the baby! A baby is not the worst thing that could ever happen to a rape victim — an abortion is.”

Mason said Personhood USA is confident Mississippians will adopt Amendment 26 in the next election, particularly because most people in the state are against abortion rights.

“Most people who are pro-life are pro-life in every circumstance, ” Mason said. “I think people in Mississippi are ready for a personhood amendment, [to give] everyone a chance to live.”

Challenges to Roe v. Wade, by making providing abortions a crime –- even in the case of rape or incest –- have seen progress in states such as Alabama and Louisiana. As the Florida Independent recently reported, last month in Louisiana, Rep. John LaBruzzo (R-Metairie), compared abortion to illegal drug use at a hearing for a bill criminalizing abortion, which on Wednesday was recommitted to the House Committee on Appropriations. At the same hearing, Kiessling made the case that criminalizing abortion will end rape and incest because, “not only does the rape typically end after [the mother] gives birth, but also for all the other young women in the household who are being raped.”

Personhood Mississippi’s website lists endorsements for Amendment 26 from churches and Christians ministries, medical professionals and elected officials and political leaders. Listed supporting politicians include candidates for various offices, such as Republican Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant, who is running for governor; several House representatives, such as Reps. Larry Baker (R-District 8), Philip Gunn (R-District 56); and several state senators, including Sens. Chris McDaniel (R-District 42), Lee Yancey (R-District 20), Billy Hewes (R-District 49), Eric Powell (D-District 4), Nickey Browning (D-District 3), Merle Flowers (D-District 19), Joey Fillingame (R-District 41), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-District 39). Republican U.S. Rep. Alan Nunnelee is also listed as a supporter for the amendment.

Attorney Rebecca Kiessling Responds to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow

Tonight, Rachel Maddow went on a rant against my recent “Conceived in Rape Tour” for Personhood Mississippi. Once again, she ignorantly referred to children like me as being “the rapist’s child.” First of all, I am not the rapist’s child! He doesn’t even know of my existence, as in most rape cases. And what an insult to the majority of rape victims who not only choose life for their child, but choose to raise their child — after everything they’ve been through, Maddow has the audacity to refer to the rape victim’s child as being “the rapist’s child”?! She does not speak for the majority of rape victims who express that their child has brought them healing, helping them to overcome the rape. The ones who abort are four times more likely to die within the next year. If you truly have compassion for a rape victim, you’d want to protect her from the abortion and not the baby! A baby is not the worst thing that could ever happen to a rape victim — an abortion is. To be pro-woman is to recognize that women are much stronger than they are given credit for, and to understand that a baby is not the scary enemy. No woman has to be afraid of a baby!

Rachel Maddow is the one who is extreme because she’s against the death penalty for rapists, but supports the death penalty for the innocent child who happened to be conceived in rape. She’d have no problem telling another living human being that they are garbage, that they don’t deserve to be living and that they weren’t worthy of being protected. That’s extreme! However, I did not miss the fact that she failed to mention that the “Conceived in Rape” tour involved a real human being — and I’m a woman no less! No, instead Maddow had to continue to de-humanize the enemy, making it easier for us to be targeted and killed. The fact is, my story and the dozens of other life-affirming stories on my website of others conceived in rape and/or incest and women who became pregnant by rape do help to put faces, voices, and stories to this issue, and they are effective.

My birthmother did not choose life for me. She chose abortion. But pro-life advocates in Michigan chose life for me by making sure abortion was illegal in Michigan, even in cases of rape. They are my heroes and I owe my life to them! I’m not some elitist person who thinks that the world could not exist without her, but my life was spared for a purpose. How selfish it would be to say, “Oh well, at least my life was spared. I deserved it!” And millions of others didn’t? My near-death experience is very real. I feel like I was saved from a burning building and as I have the opportunity to go back and save others, I most certainly will.

Despite wanting to abort me more than 4 decades ago, my birthmother is proud of me today, has shared her story alongside me, and is so thankful we were both protected from the abortion. I honor her and I bring her healing, which is why she and her husband legally adopted me last fall, 22 years from the day we met. But Rachel Maddow doesn’t have the heart to understand something so wonderful. She only pretends to care about women.

— Rebecca Kiessling

Pro-life Speaker, Attorney

Pro-life group Personhood USA to followers: ‘bring the streets to the polling place’

by Virginia Chamlee | 06.07.11 | 12:43 pm | More from The Florida Independent…

Personhood USA, the group responsible for unveiling initiatives aimed at undoing abortion and some types of birth control acrosss the country, released a new video yesterday. The clip — titled “Pro-Life? What Is It?” — urges listeners to “get off the couch” and “bring the church to the streets, bring the streets to the polling place and bring healing to our world.”

The video suggests that being pro-life is more than simply “going outside an abortionist’s office, praying and giving counseling to young women.” While a graphic of Jesus on the cross is displayed, a narrator urges supporters to ”not settle for the protection of just some, not be afraid of defeat, of the future, of death.”

In a press release, the group touted the video as its “latest contribution” and says it “serves as both a moment of self-reflection and a call to action.”

“This is the key question as we examine where we have been in the last 40 years and where we are collectively headed,” said Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA, according to the release. “The video not only helps answer this question, but we also hope it inspires lifelong pro-lifers and activates a new generation to rally in defense of the lives of every human being.”

The group, whose motto is “protecting the pre-born by love and by law,” has unveiled initiatives across the country, in an attempt to undo Roe v. Wade. Personhood supporters argue that the key to outlawing abortion is to redefine what constitutes a “person,” which they argue begins at the moment of fertilization.

Mississippi residents will vote on a personhood amendment to their state constitution in November. Similar amendments were defeated in Colorado in both 2008 and 2010. A personhood initiative is also being attempted in Florida, and while it has yet to receive the signatures required to make it on the 2012 ballot, the head of the Florida affiliate has said he remains undettered.

Watch the Personhood clip:

Exciting updates on Personhood in Louisiana and Mississippi, an inspiring video, news articles, and more!


 Louisiana Legislature Moves to End Abortion - Read about HB645, which, while not perfect, is a 100% abortion ban - on our "Personhood USA Update". HB 645 is going to be heard early next week! As Representative John Labruzzo, the bill's sponsor, stated, “Every year, more and more abortions take place, and every year we pass legislation to deal with the issue.  We've been going at it piecemeal--trying to get two yards at a time--but we haven't gotten one first down. This bill shoots for the end zone." Amen to that! 


 Attorney and pro-life speaker, Rebecca Kiessling, was invited to represent Personhood USA and share her story at the hearing.  Adopted as an infant, Rebecca learned at age 18 that her conception was the result of rape and that she was nearly aborted. Watch this POWERFUL VIDEO of Rebecca's testimony - (Click HERE to watch the video) - put up by the pro-aborts! Please "Like" the video and post an encouraging comment to Rebecca.

The Human Life Protection Act now heads to the full House.  Floor debate is scheduled for this Monday, June 6th. 


Prayers for Mississippi -The same powerhouse who testified in Louisiana is now working on behalf ofPersonhood Mississippi as part of Amendment 26's "Conceived in Rape" tour. Rebecca Kiessling is speaking at various events around Mississippi - if you live there, you don't want to miss it! There are two stops left: 

Trinity Lutheran Church
4805 Highway 39 North
7:00 PM – Fri June 3


Northwoods Church
14281 Oneal Rd
6:00 PM – Sat June 4

Please also continue to keep the people of Mississippi at the forefront of your hearts and minds.  We ask for your prayers in the effort to amend the state constitution to protect every child by love and by law.

The Alabama Senate Bill, SB301, passed the Senate 23-7. Last minute changes to the bill changed it from a personhood bill, which would have banned all abortions, to a ban of all surgical abortions and many chemical abortions. If the bill passes the House, it will be the first time in state history that all surgical abortions will be outlawed since Roe v. Wade.

The original text, introduced by Senator Phil Williams, read : “The term ‘persons’ as used in the Code of Alabama 1975, shall include any human being from the moment of fertilization or the functional equivalent thereof.”

The amended text now reads “The term ‘persons’ as used in the Code of Alabama 1975, shall include any human being from the moment of fertilization and implantation into the womb.” SB301 is now scheduled to be heard Thursday, June 9th.

 Personhood in the News - This is just one of about half a dozen stories on Personhood this week. Keep an eye out in your local and national newspapers for us! Associated Press


Personhood UPDATES Nationwide!

A bill is advancing in Louisiana that would ban every form of abortion in the state. House Bill, HB645, titled “The Human Life Protection Act,” passed the Health and Welfare Committee last week by a vote of 10-2. It revises the state’s definition of criminal feticide to include surgical abortion and prohibits the prescribing of abortion inducing drugs.

The legislative intent of the bill is clear as it upholds a longstanding policy of the state that every human being is a “legal person” and “entitled to the right to life from conception under the laws and Constitution of the state.”

While not perfect—particularly because of a section added in committee dealing with the criminal penalties for participating in an abortion—the legislation will permanently turn the signs at the abortion mills to “Closed!”

We continue to encourage the people of Louisiana in their steadfast pursuit of a state constitutional personhood amendment to recognize the full rights of every person, born and preborn. However, until this opportunity is presented, this law means that every baby in Louisiana will be safe from the grasp of the abortionists.

Unapologetically pro-life legislator and sponsor of the bill, Rep. John LaBruzzo said, “Every year, more and more abortions take place, and every year we pass legislation to deal with the issue. We’ve been going at it piecemeal—trying to get two yards at a time—but we haven’t gotten one first down. This bill shoots for the end zone.”

Attorney and pro-life speaker, Rebecca Kiessling, was invited to represent Personhood USA and share her story at the hearing. Adopted as an infant, Rebecca learned at age 18 that her conception was the result of rape and that she was nearly aborted.

Testifying on behalf of the legislation, Rebecca explained, “This bill follows the directives within Roe v. Wade. If you wish to afford unborn children their due process and equal protection rights, then you need to recognize them as persons in the full legal sense. This is hitting the issue where it counts. The Court made it clear that personhood is where it counts.”

Watch Rebecca, Rep. LaBruzzo, and many of the wonderful pro-life advocates’ testimonies by clicking here:

The Human Life Protection Act now heads to the full House. Floor debate is scheduled for this Monday, June 6th.

Prayers for Mississippi

Please also continue to keep the people of Mississippi at the forefront of your hearts and minds. We ask for your prayers in the effort to amend the state constitution to protect every child by love and by law.

The Mississippi Personhood Amendment is the standard—defining the term “person” as used in the Mississippi Bill of Rights to “include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof.” The new law will not only save our youngest brothers and sisters from the abortionists and close down the last remaining abortion mill in Mississippi, but it also ensures legal protections from all chemical abortifactient drugs, human cloning and deadly medical research.

The measure is currently on the ballot for November of this year. We are just five short months from ending abortion in the state, once and for all!

However, your prayers are still needed because our enemies are on the move—attempting to block the measure from reaching the ballot. That’s right, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have, once again, teamed up to sue us and stop a vote by the people to recognize the rights of every human being.

So far, we’ve won every round of the court battle. Last year, Judge Malcolm Harrison ruled that the “plaintiffs carry a heavy burden in attempting to restrict the citizenry’s right to amend the Constitution. Initiative Measure No. 26 has received more than the required amount of signatures to be placed on the ballot and the Constitution recognizes the right of citizens to amend their Constitution.” This is a huge victory for the babies and the people! However, the pro-abortion groups have vowed to appeal.

The Alabama Senate Bill, SB301, passed the Senate 23-7. Last minute changes to the bill changed it from a personhood bill, which would have banned all abortions, to a ban of all surgical abortions and many chemical abortions. If the bill passes the House, it will be the first time in state history that all surgical abortions will be outlawed since Roe v. Wade.

The original text, introduced by Senator Phil Williams, read : “The term ‘persons’ as used in the Code of Alabama 1975, shall include any human being from the moment of fertilization or the functional equivalent thereof.”

The amended text now reads “The term ‘persons’ as used in the Code of Alabama 1975, shall include any human being from the moment of fertilization and implantation into the womb.” SB301 is now scheduled to be heard Thursday, June 9th.

Stand with us as we declare before the whole world that every person is uniquely created in God’s image and deserving of the full protection of the law!

Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

-Keith Ashley, Personhood USA Communications

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