The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more


Cleveland rapist/kidnapper/abortionist may be charged with murder


Edmund DeMarche reports at that:

Ariel Castro, the Cleveland man police say kidnapped and held captive three women for a decade, could also face aggravated murder charges for allegedly terminating the pregnancies of his captives.

This story makes me boiling angry. A man kidnaps women and keeps them captive as sex toys for a decade. It’s difficult to imagine a punishment that fits the crime but I have few starter ideas that I won’t share here.

On top of kidnappings and perpetual rapes, he murdered several unborn children. Thankfully, Ohio allows prosecutors to bring charges for those murders. May justice come swiftly for all the victims, including the tiny nameless innocents.

Cheetah772 at points out the inconsistency in charging Castro with murder while letting abortionists murder babies (and even supplying police protection to such murders) every day throughout America. He writes:

If a pro-unborn baby murder proponent insists that the thing inside a woman’s womb is…just a blob, a goo, or simply an extension of a woman’s body, then at this point, the provision in Ohio’s law did a great injustice to those who were charged with the count of aggravated murder….  So in Ariel Castro’s case, he shouldn’t be charged with the multiple counts of aggravated murder!

Which is, of course, why pro-aborts oppose recognizing unborn babies as victims of crime, even when such proposed laws are abortion neutral. When we recognize the victims of forced miscarriage, it causes any thinking individual to question the run-of-the-abortion-mill daily baby-killings down at Planned Parenthood.

Mom sues abortuary after failed abortion


This story is a weird one. Doctors tell a mother that her pregnancy endangers her life. She goes in for an abortion and the abortionist fails to kill the child. She later delivers a baby girl.  The mom sues the abortion clinic for malpractice, for failing to kill her child.

If only every abortion went so well!

The problem is that mother has two uteruses. The article explains that

An exam in early February 2012 showed the fetus was located in the right uterus, which her doctor told her was unstable and put her pregnancy and her life at risk. She had little choice, she said, but to opt for an abortion.

Could it be that the abortionist was unaware of her condition and attempted to clear the wrong uterus? Did she not inform him? When he didn’t find a baby to rip apart, he didn’t say a word but just took the money.

Mother Theresa: Abortion is really a war against the child


In his letter to, Alex Kosky includes a powerful quote from Mother Theresa’s speech at the National Prayer breakfast in front of pro-abortion President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore. Mother Theresa died in 1997 but lucky for us, Mother Theresa’s speech was recorded by C-Span. You can see her speech, beginning at 49:00. She teaches at 54:40 that “the unborn [John the Baptist] was the first one to proclaim the coming of Christ”. The quote mentioned in the letter is from 1:02:30 to 1:05:49.

Here’s Mr. Kosky’s letter in full.

Dear Editor,

This year our country marks forty years in the wasteland of the culture of death.

In the US alone, over 55 million babies have been victims of abortion since the Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973. Acknowledging that fact does not diminish the horrors of terrorist attacks, school killings and other evil massacres. Whenever these evil disasters occur, there is always the question of "Why"?

Mother Theresa may have given us the answer, when she spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC, on February 3, 1994. She proclaimed, saying: "The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion. [Abortion] is really a war against the child and if we accept that the mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?... Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love one another but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion."

Congressman Henry J. Hyde, a dedicated defender of the Human Life, who delivered a speech during a debate to overturn President Clinton's veto of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, said the following "what kind of people have we become that this "procedure" is even a matter for discussion? Can't we draw the line at torture? And if we can't what has become of the US"?

Roe vs. Wade did not settle the abortion debate. It is the human rights issue of our day. The younger generation is on the Pro Life side. Many women are saying they regret their abortion.

There is no such thing as a perfect society. Yet we pray, give us the light of hope, and with confidence and persistence in prayer we see a world of peace and justice for all.


Alex Kosky
Pro Life Chairman
Knights of Columbus

40 years of success


The President of Ohio Right to Life, Mike Gonidakis and the Policy Director for NARAL Pro-Abortion Ohio recently went on Ohio Public Television “The State of Ohio”, hosted by Karen Kasler. Here’s the money quote from Mr. Gonidakis:

I don't believe we would be successful on Personhood at this time. We certainly would be outspent by Hollywood and Planned Parenthood, so we're going to pursue those opportunities on a step by step basis. It's worked for 40 years and we're going to continue to do that.

Wow.  It’s worked for 40 years. I’d hate to see what “It’s not worked” would look like.

Victory at Supreme Court for Personhood Ohio

The Ohio Supreme Court has dismissed a lawsuit filed against Personhood Ohio. The suit was aimed at stopping the pro-life organization from circulating a petition that would allow Ohioans a vote to define all human beings as persons, thereby ending abortion throughout the state.

An organization calling themselves Healthy Families Ohio brought the suit in January, asking the Court to split the citizen initiative into two separate measures, after the Ohio Ballot Board ruled the Ohio Personhood Amendment dealt with, and could move forward as, a single subject. Planned Parenthood has previously used the title “Healthy Families,” as a shell to oppose personhood efforts. Mississippians for Healthy Families organized the No on Amendment 26 campaign last fall.

Healthy Families Ohio also charged that the ballot title, describing the effects of the amendment, was inaccurate.

The Ohio Personhood Amendment would define the words “person” and “men” to “apply to every human being at every stage of development of that human being, including fertilization.” The amendment language and ballot title further specify that the measure will not affect “genuine contraception that acts solely by preventing the creation of a new human being” or “In Vitro Fertilization procedures that respect the right to life of newly created human beings.”

The amendment also includes language clarifying that it would apply only to living human beings, from the moment our lives begin, and not “human ‘eggs’ or oocytes prior to the beginning of life.”

Personhood Ohio has until July to collect the 385,000 signatures required to reach the 2012 ballot.

“This ruling from the Ohio Supreme Court confirms what personhood supporters have been explaining all along. Recognizing the legal rights of all persons, regardless of their size or age, will simply put an end to their destruction,” commented Ohio Family Physician and Personhood Ohio Director, Dr. Patrick Johnston. “By dismissing this frivolous lawsuit, the Court got it exactly right. Contraception and reproductive medicine will continue to be widely available in our state. And contrary to the way it has been portrayed, personhood will not grant rights to human eggs. Rather, it will recognize that all men are endowed by our Creator with an unalienable right to life from the moment of our creation.”

Ohio Personhood says Life Begins at Conception…

A push to amend the Ohio Constitution to declare that life begins when a human egg is fertilized is being spearheaded locally.

Doctor Patrick Johnston of Dresden is a spokesperson for the group Personhood Ohio. The group is currently working to reword their proposed summary after Attorney General Mike Dewine rejected it.

“In the wording of our amendment we’ll make it plain this will not affect contraception, that acts by preventing conception, this will not affect in vitro fertilization as long as they don’t intentionally destroy human embryos, and so it strengthens our amendment,” said Johnston.

To resubmit their proposal the group must collect another 1,000 valid signatures from Ohio Voters. The group’s wording must then be approved before it can collect the 385,000 signatures needed for the amendment to appear on the 2012 Ballots.

“We need to help children that are unwanted in homes,” said Johnston. “Even unwanted children have the right to life and that right begins when their life begins. Scientifically the evidence is clear, life begins at conception.”

Johnston said the mission of Personhood Ohio is to protect every unborn person in the state.

Ohio group pushing to define life at fertilization says it will refile its proposed amendment - The Republic, AP…

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A group that wants the Ohio Constitution amended to declare that life begins when a human egg is fertilized plans to resubmit paperwork that had been rejected.

Attorney General Mike DeWine previously turned down Personhood Ohio’s summary of the proposed amendment, saying it included things the amendment would not affect.

Patrick Johnston of Personhood Ohio said Wednesday that the group will change the amendment to say it won’t affect contraception or in vitro fertilization. The group also must submit another 1,000 valid signatures from Ohio voters.

The group’s wording must be approved before it can collect the 385,000 valid signatures needed for the amendment to appear on 2012 ballots.

Ohio Reaches First Milestone in Personhood Amendment Drive

Columbus, Ohio -- Personhood Ohio will hold a press conference on Friday morning at the Attorney General’s office in Columbus to announce the submission of the required number of initial petition signatures. The state of Ohio requires that at least 1,000 signatures be verified before the official citizen-led initiative drive can begin. Personhood Ohio is expected to turn in over 2,000 valid initial petition signatures.

The Ohio Personhood Amendment will define the words “person” and “men,” as used in the Ohio Constitution, to “apply to every human being at every stage of the biological development of that human being or human organism, including fertilization” irrespective of one’s age, race, gender, or disability.

“The scientific consensus is that every person’s life began at fertilization. It is not a subjective opinion, rather a verifiable fact,” said Personhood Ohio Director and Zanesville family physician Dr. Patrick Johnston. “The question for the citizens of Ohio is: Are we a people that will recognize and respect the inalienable and equal rights of every person?”

Press Conference Details:

WHO: Personhood Ohio with Dr. Patrick Johnston, Pastor Bill Dunfee from New Beginnings Church of God in Warsaw, Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries in Hebron, and Jason Storms of Missionaries to the Preborn

WHAT: Announcing the completion of the Initial Petition

WHERE: Ohio Attorney General's Office, 30 E Broad St., Columbus, OH

WHEN: Friday, October 14th, 2011, 9:30am

Personhood Ohio’s mission is to ensure equal protection for every preborn child. Their goal is to obey the Lord's command to love "the least of these" through ending the dehumanization and murder of preborn children throughout the state.

For more information contact Dr. Patrick Johnston, 740-453-9173, or visit

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