The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more


Fake controversy: Cuccinelli compared abortion to slavery

Pro-aborts like to stir up fake controversy. Now, they’re feigning outrage because Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli supposedly compared abortion to slavery.  Abortion and slavery are quite comparable because both are horrible human rights abuses. Both involve treating human beings as property.

If you watch the short video, you’ll see that Attorney General Cuccinelli made no such statements.  He simply listed slavery as a wrong that truth overcame and abortion as a wrong that truth will overcome.  He said:

History has shown us what the right position was.  And those were issues that were attacked by people of faith aggressively to change the course of this country. 

So, the comparison is that both slavery and abortion are wrong and opposed by Christians. Wow! How dare you sir!

It’s enough for pro-aborts to blow an entire fuse box.

Virginia representative compares abortion to the holocaust.

The pro-aborts want to malign Representative Dick Black for comparing abortion to the holocaust.  See here. Be sure to watch the video.

Of course, his comparison isn’t “outrageous and offensive” but completely appropriate. Abortion clinics are death camps. Pro-aborts, just as the Nazis did, use dehumanizing terms to pretend that their victims are not human beings. Pro-aborts are not the same as Nazis, but their tactics of dehumanization are the same. The results of their efforts, the killing of the innocent, are the same too.

Pro-aborts, though, have been far more effective than the Nazis. The Nazis killed over 10 million. The pro-aborts have killed over 50 million just in the US but far more worldwide.

Marshall 'personhood' bill draws ire of abortion rights advocate…

Legislation to extend legal rights to fetuses isn’t new in Virginia, but it may get more attention in the 2012 General Assembly session after Mississippi voters rejected a similar ballot proposal.

In fact, it looks like the idea has already raised eyebrows more than 45 days ahead of the session that starts in January.

Del. Bob Marshall, a Prince William County Republican and social conservative stalwart, has pre-filed a bill to give “unborn children at every stage of development . . . all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other persons, citizens, and residents of the Commonwealth.”

Similar bills were submitted earlier this year and last, though they didn’t advance.

(Marshall has also filed legislation to require athletic coaches and some other sports officials to report instances of child abuse, measures that appear motivated by the sex abuse scandal at Penn State.)

Critics of such abortion control measures argue that they would outlaw abortion and could ban common forms of birth control.

“We have no doubt that this is just the beginning of an all-out series of legislative attacks on women’s freedom and privacy,” NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia director Tarina Keene said of Marshall’s bill.

That goal wasn’t presented during the recent campaign “because voters were under the impression that creating jobs was the top priority,” she added. “This agenda is out of touch with our commonwealth’s values and priorities — and we will fight it every step of the way.”

— Julian Walker

Lawmaker files “personhood” bill in the House - Washington Post…

By Anita Kumar

Del. Bob Marshall (R-Prince William), one of the most outspoken legislators on abortion issues, filed a so-called personhood bill for the upcoming legislative session, which will begin in January.

The bill provides that “unborn children at every stage of development enjoy all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other persons, citizens, and residents of the commonwealth, subject only to the laws and constitutions of Virginia and the United States, precedents of the United States Supreme Court, and provisions to the contrary in the statutes of the commonwealth.”

The introduction comes less two weeks after voters in Mississippi rejected a similar ballot measure.

Many Virginia Republicans have said they are eager to revive socially conservative legislation that stalled or died in a Democratic-controlled Senate, now that both chambers are controlled by the GOP.

The bill was immediately criticized by Tarina Keene, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia, who said the legislation would outlaw abortion and could ban common forms of birth control.

“We have no doubt that this is just the beginning of an all-out series of legislative attacks on women’s freedom and privacy,’’ Keene said. “This agenda is out of touch with our commonwealth’s values and priorities-and we will fight it every step of the way.”

By Anita Kumar | 07:26 PM ET, 11/21/2011

Could a "right to life" bill pass in the General Assembly next year?,0,6803462.story

Could a “right to life” bill pass in the General Assembly next year?
13th District Republican House Delegate Bob Marshall plans to re-introduce HB 1440 next year which would give fertilized eggs constitutional rights.

Angela Pellerano Weekend Anchor/Reporter

November 4, 2011
“The right to life is the most fundamental right that we have”, says 13th District Republican Delegate, Bob Marshall.

That’s why he says he supports the so-called personhood amendment appearing before Mississippi voters November 8.

The amendment would give fertilized eggs constitutional rights. It reads in part, “persons shall include every human being the moment of fertilization…”

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“I’ve been trying to get a personhood statute since 2007. I got it to the House floor, but I lost it at that point”, he said.

But women’s rights groups believe that if an amendment like the one being proposed in Mississippi is passed, it would give the state too much power over reproductive issues, even birth control.

Marshall says he believes that power is an important one for the state to wield.

“Because all the so called horror stories that Planned Parenthood contrived didn’t happen when abortion was illegal before 1973, so this is just a smoke screen to get people away from this”, he said.

Planned Parenthood was not available for comment.

For years, Virginia’s General Assembly has been divided with Republicans ruling the House of Delegates, and democrats ruling the Senate. But, if there’s a shift of two seats next Tuesday, the Republicans will eventually control all of Virginia State government.

Trying to allay fears of radical changes, Marshall says he doubts his bill would pass because he says moderate Republicans usually side with Democrats on right to life issues.

“And they continue to kill these bills”, Marshall said, challenging them to do otherwise.

Personhood Rocks Three New States

Personhood has expanded into three new states, including Iowa, Virginia, and Kansas. Beginning on January 13, Virginia introduced HB 112, a bill to guarantee the constitutional rights of preborn children. Shortly after, Iowa introduced HJR 2003 proposing a joint resolution for an amendment including a right to life for all men and women, irrespective of age. The same day, Kansas introduced a personhood amendment to the revisor’s office.

“A two-thirds majority of both legislative houses is needed to pass the amendment and that can be a rather challenging endeavor, so it is of the utmost importance that Kansans voice their desire to see this measure passed,” explained Keith Ashley, Personhood Kansas petition organizer.
Although attempting Personhood through several different avenues, all three call for a recognition of rights for preborn babies from the moment of their biological beginning.

“Personhood is a revolution of the pro-life movement,” stated Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. “It challenges what’s been done in the past, stimulates the movement’s present, and eradicates the need for pro-life efforts in the future. Personhood is the best hope to end abortion in America.”

Personhood USA will continue to serve as a support system for Iowa, Virginia, and Kansas, as well as the 5 states currently collecting signatures, and the scores of states working on Personhood legislation.

Personhood USA is a grassroots, Christian organization founded to establish personhood efforts across America to create protection for every child by love and by law. Personhood USA is committed to assisting and supporting Personhood Legislation and Constitutional Amendments and building local pro-life organizations through raising awareness of the personhood of the pre-born.

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