The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Statement by Cal Zastrow on the Murder of Jim Pouillon

Owosso, MI – September 11, 2009 -  The  following is a statement by Personhood USA co-founder Cal Zastrow.
"This morning a violent man murdered a peaceful pro-life Christian, Jim Pouillon, my close friend.  Jim was completely non-violent and never condoned using violence.   I knew him very well and had prayed and ministered with him often. 
He was praying and holding a poster of a newborn baby outside of Owosso High School.  One of the students in the school was his granddaughter.  His beating heart and measurable brainwaves are stopped.  Also today, 4,000 American preborn children with beating hearts and measurable brainwaves are being murdered with suction "abortion" machines or drugs. 
Their beating hearts and measurable brainwaves are stopped.  We condemn both forms of murder.  Don't shoot, stab, smack, slap, or suck the arms and legs off of children with suction machines!  Stop the violence!

 The last time I talked to Jim was this week, Monday.  I prayed with him over the phone as he was preparing to go talk about Jesus and show pro-life signs in front of Owosso High School, where he was martyred this morning."

Contact: Cal Zastrow, Co-Founder of Personhood USA  989-859-4482,  601-454-4819
