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Susan G Komen Refunds Money To Personhood Mississippi

 Wow this is great.  To find out more about the personhood effort in Mississippi please visit


by Steven Ertelt Editor
October 23
, 2009

Jackson, MS ( -- Runner in Mississippi who had pledged funds for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure got their money back after learning that the breast cancer research group has made donations to the Planned Parenthood abortion business and denies the abortion-breast cancer link.

A large group of Mississippi homeschoolers and their parents who frequently run for charitable causes signed up for the Komen race.

But after learning that Komen chapters gave more than $700,000 to Planned Parenthood in one year alone, they backed out and asked for a refund.

Steve Crampton of the homeschool cross-country running team "The Spartans" talked with the Internet web news site OneNewsNow.

"We asked [the Komen Foundation] for our money back, [and] they agreed to refund us graciously," he said.

Crampton told ONN that the pro-life runners came up with their own version of the race.

He said, "[But] rather than have a weekend where we didn't run at all, we decided [to try to] put something together ourselves. So it was pretty much last minute, but what has been birthed here is the 'Race for the Unborn.'"

Proceeds from the Race for the Unborn will support the Mississippi personhood amendment that some pro-life advocates are supporting to attempt to change the state constitution to recognize the unborn.

"We have many folks already pre-registered for the race. We expect it's going to be a great event," he told the news service. "So it's one of these occasions where we've, by God's grace, turned a negative into a wonderful positive -- and we think we can really do something to protect the unborn here."

When they support Komen, Americans may not be aware that Komen's own figures show it gave $711,485 from April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006 to Planned Parenthood abortion businesses and at least $726,445 for 2006-2007.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure spokeswoman Rebecca Gibson previously confirmed that at least 19 of the 122 Komen affiliates made grants to Planned Parenthood.

The amount of the grants from Komen affiliates to Planned Parenthood appears to be on the rise and 25 Komen affiliates now have a partnership with the abortion business.

Komen officials have dismissed the grants saying they are for breast cancer screenings, but pro-life advocates say the money is fungible and that it frees up funds Planned Parenthood could use for breast screenings but instead uses on abortions.
