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Withyour help THIS WEEK, We are planning to launch Personhood Petitions IN ALL 50 STATES NEXT MONTH!
Praise the Lord! The Personhood Movement is growing so fast because there are so many wonderful folks just like you that have a passion to restore dignity to every human.
And here at the Personhood office, we have had a hard time keeping up with all the requests for help to start Personhood efforts.  
But by God's Blessing and your friendship and support we are prepared to launch Legislation, Citizen Initiatives and Opinion Petitions in ALL 50 STATES next Month.
Because of your support, there are now volunteers in all 50 states and even some working in Canada fighting for the personhood rights of the preborn.
They are relying on Personhood USA to help them effectively engage their community, to protect the preborn in their state.
We need your help, because our enemies are strong...
Personhood has seen so much support from around this country and the world.  
But we have also developed a long list of enemies. 
I might remind you that last year around this time NAARAL named Personhood USA on their "Hall Of Shame" list, and Planned Parenthood has literally spent millions of dollars to stop Personhood Efforts around the country.
There are so many pro-abortion activists that don't believe it is the right time to stop abortion.  
But with your help this week, I believe abortion will end in at least one state with 49 following.
Will you chip in, and help us launch Personhood in all 50 states?
We need $45,000 to end the year strong, and get ready for this coming year.
Also, please remember that if you donate to Personhood Education, a 501(c)(3), you will be able to claim a tax deduction for 2010. (please follow this link to contribute securely right now online)
That means your sacrificial year end gift of $50 $100 or $500  or even $1,000 will help us to start 2011 strong and keep our focus on this epic battle at hand! (click here to contribute)
Let me be blunt; there simply is not a more efficient pro-life organization in the entire country, but we still need your support, your prayers, and your encouragement.  Especially with what God has prepared for us in 2011...
In 2011, there is going to be ONE BATTLE that is going to define the future for millions of Preborn Americans.
Mississippi is one of the most pro-life states in the nation, and thanks to hard work and your donations, Amendment 26 is slated to be on the November 2011 Ballot.
Personhood is the 4th Amendment to make the ballot in State History!!
Because of your help we were able to send pro-life missionaries, host training sessions, and contribute financially to make the Mississippi Personhood Amendment a reality.
In 2004, the Mississippi Marriage Amendment passed at 86%!  Of course, they didn’t have the opposition of the billion dollar abortion industry, we do.  
But we have a plan to defeat them ...And it starts right now with your help!!!
Please click here to contribute with a tax deductible donation.
Mississippi presents us with an amazing opportunity, but also with a daunting responsibility.
If we lose in Mississippi, the movement will suffer a great setback.  The only thing worse than losing in Mississippi, is doing nothing as the abortion toll continues to climb.
The babies need your support!  
The missionaries at Personhood USA have vowed to put everything on the line, to put everything we have into a year-long campaign to end abortion in Mississippi, but we must have your support.
As we end this amazing year, and prepare for the long battle ahead of us in 2011, will you help us with a sacrificial Year End gift?
If we can count on our friends like you to stand with us, then I can be confident that we can keep our doors open and focus on the battle in Mississippi.
Mississippi will be a turning point in the personhood movement, but the other 49 states are counting on Personhood USA to help, and we can’t abandon them by the side of the road ....but rather love them as our neighbors.
So would you please prayerfully consider a special tax deductible year end gift to Personhood Education?
$45,000 is needed to end the year, and get ready for this coming year in ALL 50 STATES!
That means your sacrificial year end gift of $50 $100 or $500  or even $1,000 will help us to start 2011 strong and keep our focus on this epic battle at hand!
Your contribution, small or large, right now, is critical for victory next November and will be used effectively.
Will you continue to sacrifice as we prepare to make 2011 the year that the abortion monolith was taken down?
Thank you for all that you have already sacrificed, and may God bless you and your family this New Year.
In His Service,
Keith Mason
Personhood USA   
Click Here to Contribute to Personhood Education 501c3 (tax deductible, and will help build our education fund.)
Click Here to Contribute to Personhood USA 501c4 (not deductible but will go directly changing the law!)

Dear Friend of Personhood:

With your help THIS WEEK, We are planning to launch Personhood Petitions IN ALL 50 STATES NEXT MONTH!

Praise the Lord! The Personhood Movement is growing so fast because there are so many wonderful folks just like you that have a passion to restore dignity to every human.

And here at the Personhood office, we have had a hard time keeping up with all the requests for help to start Personhood efforts.  

But by God's Blessing and your friendship and support we are prepared to launch Legislation, Citizen Initiatives and Opinion Petitions in ALL 50 STATES next Month.

Because of your support, there are now volunteers in all 50 states and even some working in Canada fighting for the personhood rights of the preborn.

They are relying on Personhood USA to help them effectively engage their community, to protect the preborn in their state.

We need your help, because our enemies are strong...

Personhood has seen so much support from around this country and the world.  

But we have also developed a long list of enemies. 

I might remind you that last year around this time NARAL named Personhood USA on their "Hall Of Shame" list, and Planned Parenthood has literally spent millions of dollars to stop Personhood Efforts around the country.

There are so many pro-abortion activists that don't believe it is the right time to stop abortion.  

But with your help this week, I believe abortion will end in at least one state with 49 following.

Will you chip in, and help us launch Personhood in all 50 states?

We need $45,000 to end the year strong, and get ready for this coming year.

Also, please remember that if you donate to Personhood Education, a 501(c)(3), you will be able to claim a tax deduction for 2010. (please follow this link to contribute securely right now online)

That means your sacrificial year end gift of $50 $100 or $500  or even $1,000 will help us to start 2011 strong and keep our focus on this epic battle at hand! (click here to contribute)

Let me be blunt; there simply is not a more efficient pro-life organization in the entire country, but we still need your support, your prayers, and your encouragement.  Especially with what God has prepared for us in 2011...

In 2011, there is going to be ONE BATTLE that is going to define the future for millions of Preborn Americans.




Mississippi is one of the most pro-life states in the nation, and thanks to hard work and your donations, Amendment 26 is slated to be on the November 2011 Ballot.

Personhood is the 4th Amendment to make the ballot in State History!!

Because of your help we were able to send pro-life missionaries, host training sessions, and contribute financially to make the Mississippi Personhood Amendment a reality.

In 2004, the Mississippi Marriage Amendment passed at 86%!  Of course, they didn’t have the opposition of the billion dollar abortion industry; we do.  

But we have a plan to defeat them ...And it starts right now with your help!!!

Please click here to contribute with a tax deductible donation.


Mississippi presents us with an amazing opportunity, but also with a daunting responsibility.

If we lose in Mississippi, the movement will suffer a great setback.  The only thing worse than losing in Mississippi, is doing nothing as the abortion toll continues to climb.

The babies need your support!  

The missionaries at Personhood USA have vowed to put everything on the line, to put everything we have into a year-long campaign to end abortion in Mississippi, but we must have your support.

As we end this amazing year, and prepare for the long battle ahead of us in 2011, will you help us with a sacrificial Year End gift?

If we can count on our friends like you to stand with us, then I can be confident that we can keep our doors open and focus on the battle in Mississippi.

Mississippi will be a turning point in the personhood movement, but the other 49 states are counting on Personhood USA to help, and we can’t abandon them by the side of the road ....but rather love them as our neighbors.

So would you please prayerfully consider a special tax deductible year end gift to Personhood Education?

$45,000 is needed to end the year, and get ready for this coming year in ALL 50 STATES!

That means your sacrificial year end gift of $50 $100 or $500  or even $1,000 will help us to start 2011 strong and keep our focus on this epic battle at hand!

Your contribution, small or large, right now, is critical for victory next November and will be used effectively.

Will you continue to sacrifice as we prepare to make 2011 the year that the abortion monolith was taken down?


Thank you for all that you have already sacrificed, and may God bless you and your family this New Year.


In His Service,

Keith Mason


Personhood USA   


Click Here to Contribute to Personhood Education 501c3 (tax deductible, and will help build our education fund.)


Click Here to Contribute to Personhood USA 501c4 (not deductible but will go directly changing the law!)


Personhood USA is leading the charge of the Personhood Movement, Please help us push forward with your donation today !