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Amendment 62 Protects Human Life - The Coloradoan


Amendment 62 protects human life

Kimberly Tyson lives in Loveland. • October 24, 2010

Do you believe that every human being has intrinsic value or are we simply biological material that can be tossed out based on personal preference? When as a society we diminish the value of human life, we open the door to discard people at any stage of their biological development. When we say a woman has the right to “control her own body,” we dismiss the basic scientific fact that all human life begins at conception and that we all began life as a unique individual in the form of an embryo.

Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood’s founder, stated, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” (Women and the New Race, 1923) If you agree with her, then you are likely someone who believes humans are simply biological material that can be tossed out based on personal preference.

Don’t be deceived, most “choices” to abort a child are based on convenience — less than 1 percent of abortions are due to rape or incest or the mother’s health. Susan Smith decided to drown her two young children because they were making it “inconvenient” for her to get together with her wealthy boyfriend. We are horrified by her actions, but are unmoved by late-term abortion where you can physically see that it is a human being that has been killed for convenience.

Is it difficult to deal with an unplanned pregnancy? Yes, it most certainly is difficult. Is it difficult to choose to give birth to the child? Yes, it most certainly is difficult. What has happened to personal responsibility? Amendment 62 does not eliminate birth control, it does not eliminate fertility treatments, it does not eliminate a woman’s ability to receive health care, and abortion is not health care. It does say that life is worthy of protection at all stages of development. Please vote yes on amendment 62.

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