The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Could a "right to life" bill pass in the General Assembly next year?,0,6803462.story

Could a “right to life” bill pass in the General Assembly next year?
13th District Republican House Delegate Bob Marshall plans to re-introduce HB 1440 next year which would give fertilized eggs constitutional rights.

Angela Pellerano Weekend Anchor/Reporter

November 4, 2011
“The right to life is the most fundamental right that we have”, says 13th District Republican Delegate, Bob Marshall.

That’s why he says he supports the so-called personhood amendment appearing before Mississippi voters November 8.

The amendment would give fertilized eggs constitutional rights. It reads in part, “persons shall include every human being the moment of fertilization…”

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“I’ve been trying to get a personhood statute since 2007. I got it to the House floor, but I lost it at that point”, he said.

But women’s rights groups believe that if an amendment like the one being proposed in Mississippi is passed, it would give the state too much power over reproductive issues, even birth control.

Marshall says he believes that power is an important one for the state to wield.

“Because all the so called horror stories that Planned Parenthood contrived didn’t happen when abortion was illegal before 1973, so this is just a smoke screen to get people away from this”, he said.

Planned Parenthood was not available for comment.

For years, Virginia’s General Assembly has been divided with Republicans ruling the House of Delegates, and democrats ruling the Senate. But, if there’s a shift of two seats next Tuesday, the Republicans will eventually control all of Virginia State government.

Trying to allay fears of radical changes, Marshall says he doubts his bill would pass because he says moderate Republicans usually side with Democrats on right to life issues.

“And they continue to kill these bills”, Marshall said, challenging them to do otherwise.
