Emotional testimony heard over "Personhood" Amendment


HELENA - Pro-life and pro-choice forces clashed again in Helena Monday. The House Judiciary committee heard a bill that would change the state’s constitution to recognize that life starts at conception. Opponents believe the so-called “Personhood” amendment is another attempt to ban abortion in the state. They say it would make women second-class citizens.

Even if the bill passes the legislature and is signed by the Governor, it would still have to approved by a vote of the people. Havre Republican Representative Wendy Warburton is sponsoring the bill. It calls for a person to be defined in the state’s constitution. It would give those rights to a fetus at the moment of conception.

Rebecca Kiessling testified at the hearing. She was conceived after her mother was kidnapped and raped. She says her life matters and she believes life begins at conception and should be defined as such in law.

If the bill received a total of 100 votes in the House and Senate, it will be put before voters.###

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