you can download the petition online.

EXCITING Personhood News!

SO MUCH has been going on for Amendment 62 this week!

Check out this week in Personhood News at www.personhoodusa.com/news, be encouraged, and take some friends with you to vote "YES" on Amendment 62 November 2nd! At the bottom of this message, find an easy way for your kids to be involved in helping to pass Amendment 62!

Abortionist Richard Grossman from Durango falsely claimed that Amendment 62 would be applied to a woman's ovaries - scare tactics at their worst. We responded, along with LifeGuard in Durango, and shortly after Planned Parenthood canceled Grossman's public speech against Amendment 62!

We released the Planned Parenthood group "Advocates for Choice" debate against Amendment 62, in which the Planned Parenthood group claimed that science wasn't important and a baby's heart doesn't start beating until 24 weeks.

Golden Globe and Emmy award-winning actor Michael Moriarty of "Law & Order" (circa 1990's) fame wrote an article called: America's Last Chance: Amendment 62, in which he stated "On election day, Tea Party Coloradans, be sure to vote yes for Amendment 62!", linking to our video!

Our "Prolife Tea Party" Video Continued to Make National News - including Glenn Beck and Breitbart.com .

The Planned Parenthood/ACLU evil alliance was dealt a major blow in Mississippi when their motion against the 2011 Personhood Mississippi Amendment was DENIED. Victory! We'll have the chance to protect every innocent person in Mississippi in 2011!

Fox News National listed us a measure that could "Upend (the) Status Quo". When the status quo is killing children, we are thrilled to upend it!

The Culture and Media Institute and American Life League came to our defense against the pro-abortion propaganda machine.

Pam Tebow, mother of Heisman Trophy winner and Denver Bronco Tim Tebow, endorsed Amendment 62.

PLUS, we released the list of leaders that say to vote YES on Amendment 62: Southern Baptist Convention, American Family Association, Joe Scheidler, Morton Blackwell, David Bereit, Focus on the Family, Human Life International, Rebecca Kiessling, Lila Rose, Summit Ministries, Alveda King, and many more!

Don't forget - Amendment 62 is the ONLY pro-life issue on the ballot anywhere in the U.S. Let's send a strong message to the nation - we will not tolerate child killing any longer! Make a commitment to encourage your friends and family to vote YES on Amendment 62!

One easy way to help pass Amendment 62 THIS WEEKEND is to minister on Halloween. Our good friends at LifeGuard had a great idea for October 31st. If you hand out candy, or attend a church Fall celebration this weekend, you might consider putting a label or taping a piece of paper on each piece of candy you hand out that says "Protect Children - vote YES on 62!" If your church supports Amendment 62 and is hosting a Fall Celebration, you can put a message on every piece of candy they distribute!  Most parents go through the candy at the end of the night, and that message might make a difference!

Remember that your vote counts, and we can't win without it! Tell your Colorado friends and family to join you in voting YES!

Personhood USA is leading the charge of the Personhood Movement, Please help us push forward with your donation today !