New Report, New Website, and New Video! Personhood News of the Week

Report Recommends Free Abortion Inducing Drugs

A report filed this week by the Institute of Medicine recommends that the Federal Health and Human Services Department include contraceptives devices on the list of government mandated services available without a copay. The move would make hormonal birth control & morning after pills such as Plan B and Ella free under the new health care law.

According to,‏ the report also suggested that surgical abortion should be covered by the mandate, but that it is “outside of the project’s scope given federal legal restrictions.” Contrastingly, the recognition of the personhood rights would provide for total protections from tax-funded abortion and abortifacient drugs.

US Conference of Catholic Bishops Spokeswoman Deirdre McQuade told Fox News‏ that even with the abortion coverage restrictions in place “Ella, in particular, which was approved for emergency contraception can actually disrupt what the AMA calls an established pregnancy after implantation, which by anyone's definition, is an abortion.”

Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Planned Parenthood are cheering the report. Sebelius indicated that she was likely to make the recommendation--which would provide a new revenue source for Planned Parenthood—an official policy of the administration.


LifeGuard Petitions Public to End Abortionist's Privileges at Catholic Hospital

A pro-life pregnancy resource group has launched a new website to collect petition signatures in opposition to abortionist Richard Grossman’s privileges at Mercy Hospital. The petition cites the USCCB Directives for Catholic Health Care Services: "...Catholic health care institutions are not to provide abortion services, even based upon the principle of material cooperation. In this context, Catholic health care institutions need to be concerned about the danger of scandal in any association with abortion providers."

“There are no circumstances under which it is acceptable to murder a child, and no circumstances under which a Catholic hospital should collaborate with an abortionist,” stated Daniel Anguis of LifeGuard. “The scandal of Grossman's presence at Mercy has angered the local faithful Catholic and Christian community for years, and this petition allows us to peacefully and firmly demand that Grossman lose his privileges at Mercy Hospital."

To sign the petition, visit

LifeGuard also announced a protest scheduled for August 4th featuring California Human Rights Amendment Sponsor Lila Rose. "If it infuriates you that a man who is so openly anti-Catholic both in actions, and in words, can make a living at an institution run by the Church then please sign the petition, forward it to your friends, and join us,” said Anguis.


Black Pro-life Leaders Release Video

A pro-life group--whose billboard message of “Black and Beautiful” recently attracted the ire of pro-abortion activist in the Oakland, California area--has published a startling new video which points out that Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry are the leading cause of death in the black community.

Released by the National Black Pro-life Coalition, the video titled “Number one killer” cites the fact that abortion far outweighs all other natural and unnatural causes of deaths.

“Pastors: Abortion is the #1 KILLER of Black-Americans, as revealed by CDC statistics. Yet, Pro-Abortion groups who fight to crush free speech celebrate this evil as ‘Reproductive Justice.’ In Oakland, California these groups failed to remove our Black & Beautiful billboards,” said Personhood USA spokesperson and Issues4Life President Walter Hoye. “This new video is part of a project to reveal the truth. Brothers, we need to talk.” calls it a “Powerful 1 min. video” here.

And Jill Stanek reports that “The numbers don’t lie” here.

Follow this link to watch the new video.

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