The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

News from Oakland, Oklahoma, and the Yes on Amendment 26 Campaign!

Oakland Pro-abortion Campaign Lies

A project to erect 60 pro-life billboards bearing the image of a precious black child below the words “Black & Beautiful” came to an end on July 10th as the contract period expired. Local pro-abortion forces decried the ads as racist for content included on the website that demonstrates how abortion has disproportionately and negatively impacted the black community.

In a post on, blogger Eveline Shen claims the ads were taken down due to the overwhelming pressure CBS Outdoor received in a pro-abortion campaign to remove them.

Jill Stanek posted the contract for everyone to view themselves here. As one can clearly devise, the advertising period ran from June 13th to July 10th. picked up on the story here. “It’s a total lie,” said Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation.

California Personhood Amendment Sponsor and Issues4Life President, Walter Hoye, posted the following on his Facebook page:

“Pastors: Anyone claiming OUR BILLBOARDS were forced down is either woefully ill-informed or deliberately engaging in the art of deceit. By God’s grace and mercy our billboards HAVE WITHSTOOD THE ONSLAUGHT OF THE ABORTION BUSINESS serving as ministers of truth. The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. The third step is action. It’s a new day and I’m not done. Will you help me? Brothers, we need to talk.”


Planned Parenthood Considers Abortion in Tulsa

Recently, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, headquartered in Des Moines, with facilities in Iowa and Nebraska, absorbed an affiliate of the organization that operates abortuaries in Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma. The management contract will form a mega-sized Midwestern abortion chain which includes a total of 28 Planned Parenthood centers, offering abortions at 18 locations.

The Tulsa World is reporting that the new coalition is now considering committing abortions at their Tulsa locations. “Over the next six months, we will review and analyze client access and need to determine what additional services will be offered in Oklahoma. Abortion care is one of many services we will analyze over the next six months,” said Planned Parenthood of the Heartland President Jill June.

Last session, the Oklahoma legislature passed an abortion restriction to ban those committed past 20 weeks based on preborn children’s biological function to experience pain. As is the case in other states where similar laws were passed, Planned Parenthood and the pro-abortion forces are ignoring the new laws, choosing to consider expansion instead of challenge the laws with litigation.

Personhood, on the other hand, is generating a ton of attention from the ACLU and Planned Parenthood in Mississippi and elsewhere. Could it be that they understand that personhood would put an end to their business plans? Personhood Now, Oklahoma!


Lt. Governor Phil Bryant Supports “Yes” Vote on Amendment 26

In an interview with the American Family Association’s Matt Friedeman Show, Mississippi Lt. Governor and gubernatorial candidate, Phil Bryant encouraged people of faith to show up at the polls this November and vote in favor of the Mississippi Personhood Amendment.

“So we’re actually going to get to go into the polling places and say ‘I believe that life begins at conception and I believe that child has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’ So you can go in and vote your faith on life,” he said. Watch the entire video here.

Please continue to pray for the Yes on Amendment 26 Campaign and pray for the leadership in Mississippi that they would continue to stand for the truth—that every child is a person created in the image and likeness of God with an inherent right to live.
