The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

News from Yes on 26, Colombia, and the U.K.!

Vote Yes on 26!

The Yes on 26 campaign has launched a new website featuring information on the Mississippi Personhood Amendment. A26 will guarantee the rights of every person, born and preborn, by defining the word “person,” as used in the Mississippi Constitution, to “include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof."

The website,, includes a section announcing endorsements, tabs to sign up for volunteer opportunities and email updates, and lists Mississippi Lt. Governor Phil Bryant and American Family Association Founder and Director Dr. Don Wildmon as Co-chairmen of the Advisory Board.

A new video can be found on the homepage spotlighting the importance of the question of personhood in the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade oral arguments. An additional section highlights President Ronald Reagan’s Personhood Proclamation, given on January 14th, 1988.

“Like” the Yes on 26 Facebook page by following this link:


5 Million Signatures Collected in Colombia!

Amazing news out of Colombia--a petition to add an amendment to the nation’s constitution protecting the right to life of all people “from conception to natural death” has garnered a total of 5 million signatures! reports on the staggering number here.

Currently, a section of the Colombian constitution recognizes that, “The right to life is inviolable,” but a 2006 ruling by the nation’s Constitutional Court decriminalized abortion for babies conceived by rape, children with a deformity, and life-threatening cases. The amendment would override the decision and eliminate the exceptions to the law!

ACI Prensa reports that the campaign began in late March and that the effort was extended through early June. This means that the sponsors had just over two months to collect the incredible number!


Human-Animal Experiments Conducted in U.K.

Last week, it was revealed that 155 human-animal hybrid embryos were created and killed by researchers in the U.K. in the last 3 years. Three labs were granted licenses for the creation of “cybrids,” in which human DNA is implanted into animal cells, and “chimeras,” in which human cells are infused with animal embryos.

Read the full report from Personhood USA here.

The information came to light from a question by British MP Lord David Alton. Alton’s full response can be found on reports that the investigation has also revealed that 1.5 million babies in the embryonic stage of life have been killed since 1991. “We are creating and destroying human embryos on an industrial scale,” said Lord Alton.
