The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Yes On 26! PERSONHOOD vs. GENOCIDE In America - The Post Chronicle by Dr. Alan Keyes

As the “Yes on 26” campaign continues rolling toward what we pray will be victory at the polls on November 8th, national “leaders” of Planned Parenthood are, predictably, marketing fear and loathing of the life initiative - crying how Personhood Mississippi may spark a “national movement”!

Yes, indeed.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards sent out a nationwide email imploring abortion supporters to beware of the Personhood movement, saying “This ballot initiative is about more than just one state… Anti-choice activists hope that a win in Mississippi will lead to a national movement.”

Mississippians will decide in just a matter of days whether or not to include “every human being from the moment of fertilization” in its state constitution’s definition of “person.” Pro-life Personhood proponents rightly argue that the state’s Initiative 26 is simply an effort to extend under Mississippi law protections of our U.S. Constitution to unborn human persons; critics falsely claim it would also ban birth control, and create onerous hurdles to in-vitro fertilization medical practice.

In her Planned Parenthood email, Richards included a copy of a letter from Felicia Brown-Williams, outreach director for pro-abortion Mississippians for Healthy Families, who wrote that Initiative 26 would “cause terrible suffering across the state.”

What victory in Mississippi would do is halt a locus of American genocide. Mississippi has 38% black population - the largest of any state in the Union except the 55% of the District of Columbia - and the state has awakened to the disturbing knowledge that the abortion industry disproportionately targets minorities.

As Americans we tend to think genocide only happens in other places…far, far away. But one need not travel to Darfur to witness genocide in action. In reality, it is as close as your own town or neighborhood, thanks to the abortion industry. Since 1973, the abortion industry has murdered over 30% of the black American population. And WE are footing the bill.

As you read this, Congress is already debating the 2012 Budget - a budget that will include hundreds of millions of dollars in grants for Planned Parenthood, abortion clinics and baby murdering factories that target blacks - UNLESS YOU SPEAK UP.

To understand the issue, one must understand history. Planned Parenthood has worked hard over the years to whitewash its history and hide the truth. But thanks to US copyright laws and diligent internet activists, the truth is finally widely available and publicly revealed.

Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood and the abortion movement wrote prolifically during her career. However, Planned Parenthood, who owned the copyright to these publications, did everything they could to keep those books and pamphlets out of the public eye. Why, you might ask? The answer is because Margaret Sanger was a notorious eugenicist, favorite KKK speaker and Nazi advocate who believed that “the weak, the poor and the blacks were little more than weeds who needed to be uprooted and/or sterilized to further the good of mankind.” Sounds harsh, doesn’t it? But that was exactly her point in “The Pivot of Civilization” published in 1922.

Thankfully, the copyright on Sanger’s works have finally expired, and Planned Parenthood can no longer hide their racist roots. Pro-Life truth tellers are working hard to make scanned copies of Sanger’s unedited works available on the internet in an effort to expose Sanger, and the abortion industry’s war on blacks. Consider this quote from Sanger’s evil diatribe “What Every Girl Should Know,” many versions of which she publicly delivered and which she published in 1920:

“... the Aboriginal Australian, the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development, has so little sexual control that police authority alone prevents him from obtaining sexual satisfaction on the streets.” Margaret Sanger, “What Every Girl Should Know” 1920, pg. 47 (emphasis added).

Or this quote, written in a 1939 letter to a Dr. Clarence Gamble who was helping her establish her sterilization initiative called “The Negro Project” - “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro Population.”

Ancient history? Think again. Consider these facts as reported by the Guttmacher Institute, a PRO-ABORTION think tank:

Minority women constitute only 13% of the 15-44 year old female population, but receive 36% of all abortions.

Black women are 5 times as likely as whites to get an abortion.

On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every day in the US.

16 million black babies have been aborted since 1973. Since the number of current living American blacks is 36 million, this represents an over 30% reduction in the black American population.

A 2004 Center for Disease Control report showed nearly half of all pregnancies among black women end in abortion.
If destruction of the black population isn’t the aim of the abortion industry; why are 94% of abortion clinics located in urban black neighborhoods? This figure comes directly from former Planned Parenthood board member Dr. LaVerne Tolbert.

Do modern, educated Americans still believe in eugenics and eliminating “undesirables?” Apparently so, if they think like Justice Ginsburg … “Frankly I had thought that at that time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”- Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in “The Place of Women on the Court” New York Times 7-2-2009

AND YOU ARE PAYING FOR THE EXTERMINATION! Planned Parenthood alone receives over $300 Million in taxpayer dollars every single year, which enables PP to continue building nearly all their abortion factories in poor black neighborhoods. Clearly, Margaret Sanger’s influence still reigns at the International Planned Parenthood Council, where her grandson, Alexander Sanger heads the corporation to this day.

This is why the Personhood Movement is so important, and why Planned Parenthood is right to fear its power, and its persuasiveness to change America’s heart toward her unborn. We will once again as a people stand strong for innocent life!

The one-sentence Mississippi amendment, Initiative Measure Number 26, simply reads, “The term ‘person’ or ‘persons’ shall include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof.”

Faye Wattleton, a black American, was Planned Parenthood’s longest serving president from 1978-1992. She summed up the pro-abortion mentality that rejects eugenics and child killing in a rare moment of candor in an interview with Ms Magazine:

“I think we have deluded ourselves into believing that people don’t know that abortion is killing. So any pretense that abortion is not killing is a signal of our ambivalence, a signal that we cannot say yes, it kills a fetus, but it is the woman’s body, and therefore ultimately her choice.”

Planned Parenthood’s own Annual Reports reveal how rabidly pro-abortion they are. In 2009 they committed 332,278 abortions, while only serving 7,021 prenatal clients and making a measly 977 adoption referrals. That’s 340 abortions for every single, solitary adoption referral.

This is done on our dime. Since 1987, Planned Parenthood has received $3.9 BILLION in taxpayer dollars. In the last two years, Planned Parenthood’s government subsidy has increased to over $360 million dollars per year.

The pro-abortion research group Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) reports that Medicaid pays for an estimated $196 million worth of abortions performed on low - income women per year! Add in the $300 million per year Planned Parenthood receives in “federal subsidy,” and you find that every year our government is spending nearly HALF A BILLION DOLLARS OF OUR TAX DOLLARS FACILITATING ABORTION!

The killing MUST STOP. We are today at a critical turning point in the pro-life movement, an moment in history when we seize the rapidly emerging opportunity to affirm the personhood and intrinsic dignity of all nascent human life - or we abandon this fight to the forces of darkness.

I chose to stand foursquare for life.

I stand with more than one million Americans who have affirmed the Personhood of the innocent unborn by petitioning government. The Personhood Movement is rapidly growing, but we need to do much more. Once the personhood is established of those who have been conceived, but yet are still in their mother’s womb, each will in fact be accorded the same rights as you and I have, so eloquently summarized in the Declaration of Independence. Their God-given right that they are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness will finally be protected by law.

It was only after William Wilberforce convinced the public that slaves were persons that their liberty was achieved in Great Britain. So this modern-day Personhood Movement has the potential to enable those yet to be born to live, as free and equal men and women. Pray a match will be struck in Mississippi to light the beacon of justice.


Alan Keyes is an independent columnist
