The Missouri Personhood Movement

Personhood Missouri Needs 300 Life-Advocates

What is an advocate? A Personhood Advocate is someone who won’t rest until every child is protected by love and by law.

Will you help establish humans rights for all?

The fight for life is raging nationwide right now like never before and we wish to thank you for your conscientious decision to support every preborn child's right to life. We are Personhood USA and our goal is simple: Together, we will glorify Jesus and then stop the dehumanizing of and destruction of preborn people.

Missouri is one of the few states that, based on the Constitution of the state, allows for a Constitutional Amendment to be passed by the people. Which means every person who respects life MUST do their part to stop the injustice.

The organizers that got personhood on the ballot in Colorado, would like to help in Missouri as well. By getting personhood on the ballot, we force the question that the pro-death side does not want to answer, "when does life begin"?

Personhood USA is about establishing the personhood of the unborn. Why? Well, anyone deemed a "person" is protected under the constitution and granted the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All humans are people, it's just common sense, and all humans deserve rights.

We are committed to restoring the God given right to life to all humans!

We can strategically restore human rights in 17 different states by amending each state's constitution.

Friends, this isn't a fairy tale. It isn't fiction. This is real and it's happening right now.

Please get involved as either a volunteer or become a Personhood Advocate with a one time or monthly donation.

The Missouri Personhood Amendment has not yet been put on the ballot.

Click here for information on how you can get the Personhood Amendment on the ballot in your state.

How can you help?:


Any help is useful. Whether you can spend a few hours a day or only a few minutes one time, every little bit helps pave the way to the end of abortion.

The first step is to submit the legal language of the amendment to the Secretary of State's office and have it approved.

Once the legal language is approved, it's time to start gathering registered voter signatures.

In order for the amendment to be put on the ballot and voted on come the next election (in 2010) Missouri state law requires a petition be circulated and signed by a number of people equal to at least 8% of votes cast for the elected governer in the last election. With at least 5% in 6 of 9 congressional districts.

The people of Missouri have 16 months to pool together the required signatures. Signatures must be turned in no less than 8 months prior to election.

That means, that once the language for the amendment is approved by the state supreme court, you can begin collecting signatures right away. Here's what you can do:

Volunteer – Would you like to help? Sign up here. Give us your name, address, phone number & email address so we can contact you with updates and important information. We need leaders and followers to make this happen. Volunteers will have the opportunity to circulate petitions, help raise funds and travel around the state spreading the word about Personhood!

Donate – In order to be successful, the personhood movement needs to raise funds to launch state and nationwide marketing campaigns and to cover the expenses of Personhood leaders who will be traveling state to state to ensure that Personhood succeeds. Your help is vital and appreciated. Please click here to make a donation.

Spread the Word – Not everyone has the funds or time to donate to this cause. If not, please spend just a few minutes right now and send everyone you know an email with a link to this website. If your referral brings in just one volunteer, donator or "word spreader" your time spent and effort will have been more valuable than you can possibly imagine.

Now is the time to get involved! If you are a leader, please contact us immediately and we'll do all we can to help get this initiative off the ground. If you want to help as a volunteer sign up here! If you can support us with a one-time or monthly donation click here to become a life advocate with Personhood USA.


What is personhood?

When the term “Person” is granted to a human being, it refers to the presence of a particular set of characteristics that grant that individual certain rights such as the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In other words, to be a person is to be protected by a series of God given and constitutionally protected rights.
This terrifies the pro-abortion foes!!!

Click here to learn more.