Personhood Legislation Introduced in North Dakota

Personhood Legislation Introduced in North Dakota

On Monday, January 19, State Representative Dan Ruby introduced "The Personhood of Children Act" into the North Dakota legislature. Personhood USA, an organization committed to supporting states in their efforts to declare legal personhood for every human being, is represented by leader Cal Zastrow, who is assisting with the strategy and promotion of the new bill (H.R. 1572).

The Personhood of Children Act reads as follows: " ... The state shall afford the equality and inherent rights guaranteed to individuals in section 1 of article 1 of the Constitution of North Dakota to all human beings from the beginning of their biological development, including the preborn, partially born..."

"North Dakotans have gotten used to cold temperatures like -44 degrees, but they haven't gotten used to child-killing. We applaud and support their efforts to protect every baby by love and by law," stated Zastrow, who has travelled with his family to help with the North Dakota bill.

The entire bill is posted at: Also posted are instructions for North Dakotans to contact their state representatives and encourage them to pass this bill without hostile amendments. The committee hearing next week will be announced on Friday, Feb. 6th. The time, place, and date in Bismarck for the hearing will also be posted as soon as the State provides those details.

What is personhood?

When the term “Person” is granted to a human being, it refers to the presence of a particular set of characteristics that grant that individual certain rights such as the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In other words, to be a person is to be protected by a series of God given and constitutionally protected rights.
This terrifies the pro-abortion foes!!!

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