Personhood USA to Announce Next Live Presidential Event in Florida Following Successful South Carolina Presidential Pro-life Forum

After the overwhelming success of last night’s Pro-life Presidential Forum, Personhood USA is planning a second live, in-person forum in Florida.

Last night’s town hall event in South Carolina was standing-room only, with a crowd of over 600. Thousands watched online from several websites, including Over 70 news outlets were in attendance as four of the five Republican presidential candidates spoke about their commitment to the sanctity of life.

The event began with Texas Governor Rick Perry, who most notably spoke out about no-show Mitt Romney’s claims that he has changed from pro-choice to pro-life: “This is a decision that Gov. Romney made for political convenience, not an issue of his heart.”

Perry made a strong showing, but announced this morning that we was dropping out of the presidential race.

“We are honored that Governor Rick Perry chose to participate in Personhood USA’s Presidential Pro-life Forum before leaving the race,” stated Keith Mason, President of Personhood USA. “Governor Perry, along with Speaker Gingrich, Senator Santorum, and Congressman Paul, made the event a priority, because they know that conservative issues – primarily the issue of life – are critical to South Carolina voters and voters nationwide. We are very thankful for their participation and transparency as they spoke candidly about their conviction to defend human life.”

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich also criticized former Governor Romney’s switch in positions, stating: “Gov. Romney also, after becoming pro-life, passed Romneycare with taxpayer funded abortions…his administration approved paying for an abortion clinic for Planned Parenthood with state funds and he appointed pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage judges to the court. So in terms of who’s likely to change Washington, I would say that his track record has not only not changed but is in the opposite direction.”

Gingrich went on to explain the science behind his pro-life position, and his opposition to human experimentation. New polls show Gingrich overtaking Romney in South Carolina.

Former Senator Rick Santorum expressed the seriousness of the pro-life issue: “We need to make sure that we have someone who is unabashedly—not just pro-life—but unabashedly a fighter for life,” he said. “We are what we allow our society to do,” he said. “And if we allow our society to prey upon innocent human life, we are complicit with it.”

Congressman Ron Paul appeared via satellite feed after returning to Washington D.C. for a vote, and spoke on several issues including defunding Planned Parenthood and the importance of not relying solely on legislation to end abortion: “We cannot change the people’s morality by writing more laws.”

Details about the Florida events will be released early next week.

“Following the South Carolina forum, Personhood USA was bombarded with requests for another event. Pro-life voters are very concerned with this primary race. They have more questions, and we want to help them find the answers,” continued Mason. “That is why have added two more events in Florida. So far, the candidates have expressed their eagerness to participate, and Florida voters have already begun submitting questions for the candidates.”
