The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Colorado Personhood Ballot Initiative Must Replace 15,000 signatures in 15 Days

Colorado Personhood Ballot Initiative Must Replace 15,000 signatures in 15 Days
Denver, Colorado – The Colorado Secretary of State has disclosed that 15,690 of the 79,648 signatures submitted by Personhood Colorado were invalid. Beginning today, March 4, Personhood Colorado will have 15 days, per state initiative law, to replace the signatures.
Every ballot initiative campaign faces the challenge of validating signatures. Incorrect, illegible, or old addresses are typically the culprits, as petition signatures must match the recorded registered voter’s address.
“This is not unexpected news,” commented Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. “We anticipated that this 15 day curing period would be evoked, and we have been diligently preparing to get over 1,000 signatures each day of the 15 day period. It will be a challenge, but we are ready to get started.”
Personhood Colorado submitted 79,648 signatures on February 12. 76,047 valid signatures were required to put the measure on the 2010 ballot.
“On March 18, we fully expect to have 15,690 valid signatures to submit to the secretary of State’s office, ensuring that the Personhood Amendment is on the 2010 ballot,” continued Mason. “Once the amendment is on the ballot, we will see that every person is protected by love and by law.”
Personhood Colorado is required to submit 15,690 valid signatures of Colorado registered voters on March 18 by 3:00pm.
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