The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Historic Campaign Tracking Web Portal Launched in Colorado Personhood Amendment

Colorado’s Amendment 62 personhood campaign is set to launch a remarkable Internet tool,, on July 4th, 2010. The Tracker will help our state secure recognition of the right to life acknowledged by America’s Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life…”
“We have human rights because we are made in our Creator’s image and likeness,” said amendment co-sponsor Leslie Hanks, “and therefore we have a moral obligation to protect and love our children, born and preborn.” is a multi-functioning website designed to capitalize on the grassroots personhood movement in Colorado, and will be utilized to saturate the state with grassroots activity through November’s election.

The innovative and comprehensive answers the question: “What can I do to help?” Pro-life Coloradans select a campaign activity, follow simple instructions, and make their campaign efforts visible to other Amendment 62 supporters. Supporters can actually watch their efforts combine into a greater whole to make a difference on behalf of preborn babies in Colorado.

Colorado’s Personhood Amendment has boasted one of the largest volunteer signature campaigns in state history, resulting in one of the largest pro-life grassroots organizations Colorado has ever seen. In March, volunteers astounded naysayers by collecting 46,671 signatures, when only just over 15,000 were required. Colorado personhood volunteers are eagerly standing by to utilize

“Personhood has been a movement of average people, with average resources, fighting an enormous battle against the killing of human persons,” stated Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. “We have seen these people, many of whom had never volunteered for a pro-life cause before, band together with God’s help to post staggering victories in putting Personhood on the ballot. Now, with, we have a phenomenal resource that can help us win in November.”

Amendment 62, cosponsored by Colorado Right to Life and Personhood Colorado, states “ Person defined. As used in sections 3*, 6**, and 25*** of Article II of the state constitution, the term “person” shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”
