The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Human Embryonic Stem Cells Used in Humans for the first time; Urgent need for Personhood Now

Reuters has reported that doctors have, for the first time, begun treating a patient using stem cells derived from the killing of innocent human beings.
Embryonic stem cell therapy and research systematically destroys living human persons who are frozen in their early stages of human development.

The Carnegie Stages of Human Development, a universal system for staging and comparing embryologic development, states that “human development begins at fertilization…” which “marks the beginning of each of us as a unique individual.”

“These unique human beings deserve better than experimentation, death, and destruction,” stated Jennifer Mason, a spokesperson for Personhood USA. “Reuters did not mention whether or not the parents of the children used for this therapy were notified of the deaths of their babies, but I cannot imagine parents are willing to sacrifice their children’s lives for research and therapies that may not even work.”

Adult stem cells have already proven successful, and therapies using adult stem cells have been reported to treat cancers, auto-immune diseases, cardiovascular problems, immunodeficiencies, neural degenerative diseases and injuries, anemias, wounds, and dozens of other illnesses and injuries.

“Social justice begins in the womb. A single cell embryo is a part of the human family. It’s what all human beings look like at their biological beginning,” explained Walter Hoye, spokesman for Personhood USA. “The grave reality facing us today is this: If anyone can be denied their humanity … then everyone can be denied their humanity. Colorado’s Amendment 62 understands this, gets the life question right and offers real hope to America.”

According to Reuters, most babies used in the new embryonic stem cell therapy are the children of couples who have undergone in-vitro fertilization. These babies used for embryonic stem cell research are the “leftovers”, unwanted and unloved. Those same babies could have joined their siblings and families, or they could have been placed for adoption. Even at the earliest stages of human development, there is no question that the new life is human. Regardless of the location of their creation, in a woman’s body or in the lab, all human beings are people.

Personhood amendments, such as Colorado’s Amendment 62, would protect all children from the beginning of their biological development, ensuring that even babies created through in vitro fertilization were not sentenced to death for research.
