The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Only One Pro-Life Issue on the Ballot in Entire U.S. - ‘Personhood Amendment 62’ is Best Hope for Babies in November

Pro-life voters will have only one pro-life measure to vote on this November, and that is only if they are registered to vote in Colorado. Colorado’s Personhood Amendment, Amendment 62, is the only pro-life ballot issue to make it to the November polls this year in the United States.

“Ballot initiatives are very difficult,” commented Keith Mason, Manager of the Amendment 62 campaign. “Our initiative efforts were successful because, with God’s help, we seek to protect every human person in the state of Colorado. We have truth, medicine, and scientific fact on our side. The people behind Amendment 62 have given their all to see Personhood on the ballot, because they are passionate about defending human life.”

Volunteer researchers for Personhood Colorado discovered that although quite a few pro-life ballot initiatives were attempted on a wide range of pro-life issues, yet only Colorado’s Personhood Amendment was successful for the November 2010 ballot.

“Personhood Nevada, Personhood Alaska, and Personhood Missouri were denied their rights to even begin collecting signatures, which is why you won’t see Personhood on the ballot anywhere other than Colorado,” clarified Cal Zastrow, co-founder of Personhood USA. “The ACLU and Planned Parenthood joined forces in the name of baby murder to keep us from moving forward in Nevada and Missouri, in particular. We are looking forward to Personhood in Mississippi in 2011 and Florida in 2012, and of course, to victory in Colorado this November.”

“Personhood is about recognizing the dignity of every human life – the young, old, disabled, or infirm - every human has a right to live,” explained Gualberto Garcia-Jones, sponsor of Amendment 62. “Amendment 62 will protect every person, regardless of their circumstances, by love and by law. To be a person is to be protected by a series of God-given and constitutionally protected rights. ALL human beings are people, and must be recognized as such. A “Yes on 62” vote is a vote for life. ”

Personhood Colorado is a grassroots organization comprised of Colorado citizens who value all human life, from biological beginning to natural death. Personhood Colorado has sponsored the Personhood Amendment to the Colorado constitution, which reads: “Section 32. Person defined. As used in sections 3*, 6**, and 25*** of Article II of the state constitution, the term “person” shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”
