The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Perry Joins Fellow Presidential Candidates for Pro-life Forum; Pro-life Heavyweights Join to Co-Host

ARVADA, Colo. -- Texas Governor Rick Perry has agreed to participate in a national pro-life tele-town hall and radio simulcast event co-sponsored by Personhood USA. Perry joins former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, and Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann as confirmed guests. Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, Texas Congressman Ron Paul, and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney have received open invitations.

The event is scheduled for next Tuesday, December 27th, from 8:00 to 9:30 pm CST. Individuals can register for the call at The 90-minute event will be broadcast live on the nationally-syndicated radio program, the Steve Deace Show.

Meanwhile, several of the country’s most prominent pro-life organizations have signed on to sponsor the event which organizers have titled the National Presidential Pro-life Forum. Groups joining to back the event include:, Live Action,, Vision America Action, and

The pro-life organizations join a list which includes the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Coalition, Liberty Counsel, Bott Radio Network, Freedom Federation, Frederick Douglass Foundation, Champion the Vote, Oak Initiative, The Call, Georgia Right to Life, Rock for Life, and Iowa Right to Life.

All four of the current participants have signed Personhood USA’s Personhood Republican Presidential Pledge, promising to “advance state and federal laws and amendments that recognize the unalienable right to life of all human beings as persons at every stage of development.”

“The upcoming election crucial for the lives and futures of millions of children,” said Personhood USA President Keith Mason. “If you believe, as we do, that the battle for the lives of the preborn is the most pressing issue of our day, and you have questions for the candidates, this event is your opportunity to get the answers you deserve.”
