The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Personhood Amendment 62’s ‘Pro-Life Tea Party’ Launched in Colorado with New Video

Denver, CO, 10/20/2010 – Amendment 62, the Personhood Amendment, has launched, which is a site dedicated to the particular tea party sentiment of adhering to the United States Constitution. To date, the website content only includes a video which is a chronicle of the legalization of abortion in Colorado and the Obama agenda of taxpayer funded abortions. After its internet release just a few days ago, the video has already been watched by over 20,000 individual internet users.
The website and video draw attention to the millions of dollars spent by President Obama on international abortion, and the possible future funding of abortion.
“This video is a powerful testimony to the corruption in our government,” stated Jennifer Mason, a spokesperson for Amendment 62. “The new ‘Pro Life Tea Party’ video is an opportunity for tea party participants who especially feel strongly about pro-life issues to learn about putting a stop to taxpayer funded abortions. Here in Colorado, that means passing Amendment 62.”
The U.S. Constitution very clearly outlines the right to life for all persons. Amendment 62 recognizes the personhood of every human being, and the new calls for a return to the Constitutional “right to life” of every person.
“The purpose of our new video is to ask voters to affirm the rights of every human being,” continued Jennifer Mason. “Every innocent human being has a right to live. In America, that right is doubly protected by the Constitution. In our new video at, we simply recognize that it’s time for our country to stand up for what is right and put an end to the death and destruction once and for all.”
Amendment 62 is a grassroots campaign comprised of Colorado citizens who value all human life, from biological beginning to natural death. Personhood Colorado has sponsored the Personhood Amendment 62 to the Colorado constitution, which reads: “Section 32. Person defined. As used in sections 3*, 6**, and 25*** of Article II of the state constitution, the term “person” shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”
