The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Personhood Arkansas Files Language for 2012 Personhood Amendment

Little Rock, AR, 12/19/2011 — Personhood Arkansas has submitted amendment language to the state that would guarantee the right to life of every human being, no matter their age. The amendment reads: “No innocent person shall be denied the right to life. With respect to the right to life, the word “person” shall apply to all human beings, including the unborn, at every stage of their development.”

Similar to the renewed personhood effort in Colorado, the new language includes provisions specifying that the amendment would have no “effect on contraceptives or other methods of birth control that do not cause the death of a person” and “in vitro fertilization or other methods of assisted reproduction that do not cause the death of a person.” Planned Parenthood and the Amendment 26 opposition used the issues throughout the recent Mississippi campaign, confusing voters, and claiming both that contraceptive use and the practice of in vitro fertilization would be prohibited.

The Arkansas Personhood Amendment language also clarifies the pro-life position and the true effect of personhood in that mothers will continue to have access to life saving medical treatments. “This Amendment shall have no effect on medical treatment for life threatening physical conditions intended to preserve life,” it reads.

“We witnessed the misinformation tactics used by those who would continue the abortion carnage. Personhood Arkansas has submitted language that is concise and effective in our goals, and it addresses important concerns Arkansas voters may have,” said Personhood Arkansas Director Preston Dunn, Jr. “I am confident that the taking of some 4,532 innocent unborn children’s lives last year is not what the people of Arkansas want for our great state, and when the time comes, Arkansans will take a stand for life.”

Personhood Arkansas must submit the 78,133 signatures by July to reach the 2012 ballot.

“The people of Arkansas are inspired to declare, by love and by law, that every human being is a person and deserving of all of the rights afforded to ‘all men,’ said Keith Mason, President of Personhood USA. “This amendment is an opportunity for Arkansas to make history by affirming the basic dignity and the most fundamental of all rights of all people.”
