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Personhood USA and Filipino Family Values Turn in Signatures in Opposition to 'Reproductive Health Law' -- Call for More Signatures

Contact: Dr. Cora Aguilar, 202-595-3500

WASHINGTON, May 16, 2011 -- Dr. Cora Aguilar and Personhood USA have turned in signatures collected at, where Filipino-Americans have signed an online petition to send a strong message of opposition to the "Reproductive Health" law to the governments of the U.S. and the Philippines.

Due to a delay in the vote, Personhood USA and Filipino Family Values are calling for more concerned citizens to sign the petition this week.

Under the guise of reducing poverty, the "Reproductive Health" law would in fact take away limited government funds from many high priority medical and food needs, transferring them to fund harmful and deadly abortifacient and anti-family programs, open the door to abortion on demand, increase teenage pregnancy, and force public and private institutions under penalty of law to teach "sex education" in a manner that violates the deeply rooted cultural, social, and religious norms of the Filipino people.

The Filipino-American community does not support such a law, and neither do the People of the Philippines, who when informed of the actual provisions and penalties of the "Reproductive Health," law rejected it by a staggering 92%.

Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution says, in part, "Section 12. The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception."

"As Filipino-Americans we are saddened that the United States is leveraging its foreign aid to undermine the fundamental beliefs enshrined in the constitution of the Philippines," explained Dr. Cora Aguilar, who is behind the effort. "We believe that more education and better jobs, and not the extermination of the poor, is the proper way to fight poverty in the Philippines."

The Filipino-American community stands united in opposition to the "Reproductive Health" law, and to the highly unethical and coercive use by the current administration of tax payer funds to undermine Filipino culture, to undermine the constitution of the Philippines, and to undermine the deeply held religious beliefs of the overwhelming majority of Filipinos.

Please sign the Petition! Click here.

