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Planned Parenthood Likely Unaffected by Kansas Abortion Regulations; Personhood Kansas Calls for Amendment to Close the Doors Permanently

A new Kansas abortion law will close one of the state’s three remaining abortion facilities and is likely to force a second to discontinue providing surgical abortions. The Aid for Women clinic in Kansas City was denied a license by the state health department last week based on information obtained from their application, and the director of the second clinic in Overland Park was quoted saying, “We’re doomed.”

However, Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri President, Peter Brownlie, is optimistic following a 20-hour inspection of the organization’s Overland Park location. “The findings of the inspection indicate we will be in full compliance with the abortion facility license regulations when they go into effect on July 1,” stated Brownlie. “Thus, I believe we should be granted a license.”

Personhood Kansas weighed in on the developments. “The legislature has passed every abortion regulation imaginable. No baby is safe from the grasp of the abortionists until the personhood of every human being is affirmed by law,” explained Committee Chairperson, Bruce Garren.

Meanwhile, Mila Means, a family practitioner who has been training to perform abortions at the Aid for Women clinic, revealed plans last week to form a non-profit for the purposes of raising a million dollars and opening a new abortion facility in Wichita. “The requirements are not discouraging,” she said. “There are so many redundancies that are not important for the woman’s safety that are built into this bill specifically to deny access, and that really makes me angry. That probably reinforced my decision to keep working in this direction.”

The Kansas National Organization for Women hosted an event described as a “community discussion” at an area church on Friday to kick off Mean’s fundraising campaign. “I want people to know there are still those of us still going forward to try and keep this legal and safe procedure out there for the women who really need it,” said Means. “I will continue to work on this as a goal.” Pro-abortion author and panelist, Stephen Singular, chimed in, “It’s time to start pushing back. I think it’s the only thing the other side will understand.”

Similarly, a law enacted last year in Nebraska that restricts abortion after 20 weeks based on the capacity of preborn children to feel pain forced notorious abortionist, Leroy Carhart, to leave the state for the less restrictive laws of Maryland. The move prompted Planned Parenthood of the Heartland to announce their intentions to open six new locations throughout the state.

“Laws that regulate abortion may temporarily disable the abortion industry, but they do not end it. Anyone with the resources to do so can and will continue to kill children in our state,” continued Garren. “The people of Kansas deserve to have their voices heard, and we renew our call to recognize the God-given and inalienable rights of the preborn.”

Personhood Kansas is a grassroots coalition of local pro-life citizens and organizations campaigning for an amendment to the Kansas Constitution recognizing the legal personhood rights of every human being.
