The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Press Conference Today to Announce Personhood Signature Count, Also Announcing Plans to Sue Colorado Secretary Of State.

DENVER / Personhood USA / March 17 – Personhood Colorado has scheduled a press conference to announce plans for a lawsuit against the Secretary of State’s office. Immediately following the announcement, Personhood Colorado will reveal the number of signatures collected over the past 15 days and submit them to the Secretary of State.
Personhood Colorado has sponsored a ballot initiative to amend the State Constitution recognizing the Personhood rights of all humans, from their biological beginning to their natural death.
On March 4, the Colorado Secretary of State disclosed that 15,690 valid signatures would be due today March 18th. Personhood Colorado submitted 79,648 signatures on February 12th 2010, the Secretary of State deemed 20.63% of those signatures “invalid.”
As allowed by Colorado law, volunteers then had 15 days to replace the invalid signatures with new, voter signatures. That translated to over 1,000 signatures per day.
Press Conference Details:
WHO: Personhood Colorado
WHAT: Announcement regarding planned lawsuit and final signature count
WHERE: 1700 Broadway Street (in front of Wells Fargo Building)
WHEN: Thursday, March 18, 2010, at 2:00pm
For More Information Call:
Gualberto Garcia Jones or Keith Mason 303-456-2800
