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Three Dozen Mexican State and Federal Legislators Take Out Full-Page Ad Defending Personhood Amendments

Mexico City, Mexico - 09/22/11 - Personhood USA has learned more details from their Mexican counterparts, who have passed personhood amendments in Mexico. The Mexican Supreme Court is considering overturning two state constitutional amendments that guarantee the right to life of Mexican children in the womb by reviewing cases 11/2009 and 62/2009. Personhood USA has announced that it is joining more than three dozen legislators, over 50 nonprofit organizations, and millions of Mexican citizens in support of the personhood amendments.

“A favorable ruling for abortion advocates in this case could have the effect of decriminalizing abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, thus becoming Mexico’s Roe v. Wade,” explained Gualberto Garcia Jones, J.D., legal analyst for Personhood USA.

Since 1973, approximately 50 million children have lost their lives in the United States through abortion. The Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s research arm, estimates that 42 million children lose their lives every single year from abortion.

The 18 Mexican State Constitutional amendments were passed in reaction to the legalization of abortion in Mexico City in 2009. In order to revoke the personhood rights of preborn children in Mexico, opposition would have to get 8 out of 11 Supreme Court votes.

A full-page open letter ad in Mexico’s largest newspaper, “El Universal” was taken out by three dozen state and federal legislators on Thursday Sept. 22 urging the Mexican Supreme Court to respect the democratic process. Just a week prior to this publication, 50 nonprofit organizations published a similar ad defending the personhood amendments.

The Mexican state personhood amendments were passed with the overwhelming support of 88% of the members of state legislatures. Support for the Mexican personhood amendments included members of all major political parties such as the PAN, PRI, and PRD, highlighting the fact that Mexico’s population strongly opposes abortion.

The full-page open letter lists the 18 states where the state legislatures voted to grant full constitutional protection to unborn children. In the open letter, the legislators publicly ask the Supreme Court to respect the right of self-determination of the states. The Legislators state in the open letter that the same constitutional logic which recognized Mexico City’s law which legalized abortion in 2009 as a valid exercise of the democratic process, now must be applied to uphold the Constitutional Amendments in the 18 states who chose to protect all human life from conception to natural death.

A decision is expected next Wednesday.
