The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed the first personhood amendment in the United States, 57-35. Read more

Pro-choice ‘Mob Mentality’ Culminates in Death Threats against North Dakota Governor and North Dakota Legislators

Amidst multiple threats of lawsuits in North Dakota, new threats have emerged. According to “Stand up for Women ND”, a Facebook group created to oppose the new abortion legislation and personhood amendment in North Dakota, Governor Dalrymple is receiving death threats from pro-abortion activists after signing three anti-abortion laws passed by the North Dakota House and Senate. 

After posting several negative comments about Governor Dalrymple, Stand up for Women ND stated, “We have received word that Governor Dalrymple is receiving death threats.” The post went on to plead with supporters of the anti-life cause to cease the criminal threats, closing with “We want stoic, respectful solidarity or we will not be taken seriously.” At the time of this press release the page did not express any concern for the life and health of Governor Dalrymple.

The death threats against the North Dakota Governor and pro-life North Dakota legislators come on the heels of threats of lawsuits in the state. A Tuesday article from RH Reality Check began by stating, “If the idea of long and expensive legal battles was supposed to dissuade North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple from signing into law some of the country’s most restrictive abortion measures, it didn’t work.”

Prior to the signing of the three anti-abortion bills, and prior to the passage of SCR 4009, a personhood amendment that will appear on the 2014 ballot, threats of a Planned Parenthood / ACLU lawsuit were rampant. Referencing millions of dollars in legal fees paid to Planned Parenthood in other states, the Grand Forks Herald ran an article acknowledging that a Planned Parenthood lawsuit could cost millions of dollars to taxpayers.

“Abortion is an act of violence against women and children, so death threats from pro-choice enthusiasts are not surprising,” stated Jennifer Mason, Personhood USA Spokesperson. “It seems that Planned Parenthood and the ACLU hope to deter any and all restrictions to abortion with the threat of multi-million dollar lawsuits - despite the fact that they already receive millions of dollars in taxpayer money.  Planned Parenthood exacts a terrible toll from women - their health, the lives of their children, and more – not to mention that if they file lawsuits in North Dakota they could be costing millions in additional taxpayer dollars. US citizens are fed up with paying Planned Parenthood."

Personhood USA decries all violence – in the womb or out of it.  “When the threat of lawsuits isn’t enough to force their agenda, it seems that pro-choice supporters think that death threats will accomplish their goals. These threats are deplorable,” continued Mason. “North Dakota legislators should not have to fear outrageous lawsuits for voting pro-life, nor should they have to fear for their lives.”
