North Dakota

Three minute activist needed!!!

An incredible opportunity is upon us to set the stage for life in North Dakota!

If you have three minutes, you can change history!
HB 1572 will be heading to the Judiciary Committee approximately March 16., a bill that would affirm personhood of the pre-born.

We need Personhood Advocates to call or email the Senators and ask them to vote yes on HB1572. They need to know they have your support. Every person counts, so make sure they hear your voice on this matter. Encourage all your friends and family to do the same. We can make a difference if each one us takes three minutes to make a stand.

Most important North Dakota pro-life bill in 2009!

The “personhood” bill,” HB 1572, passed the North Dakota House 51–41, and has gone to the Senate, where the vote will be close. The bill defines all human beings, even pre-born, as legal persons with protection under the law.

This bill has caught the interest of the rabidly pro-abortion NARRAL and they are asking their cronies around the country to sign a petition to the Governor of North Dakota urging him to oppose any abortion ban.

Would you Help by Making at least three calls or sending three emails?

Call or email members of the committee now, especially Chairman David Nething, urging them to vote DO PASS WITH NO AMENDMENTS in committee.

Here are the members of that committee.

These phone numbers are their home phone numbers to call on weekends.

During the week, call the Legislative Switchboard 1-888-ND-LEGIS (635-3447).

Dave Nething – Chairman [email protected] 701-252-3353

Curtis Olafson - Vice Chairman [email protected] 701-993-8240

Tom Fiebiger [email protected] 701-280-7035

Stanley W. Lyson [email protected] 701-572-7025

Carolyn Nelson [email protected] 701-235-5161

Mac Schneider [email protected] 701-610-6092

The vote on the bill in the Senate will probably come later in the week of March 16.

North Dakota Action Item******

Hello Friends,
The “personhood” bill,” HB 1572, passed the North Dakota House 51–41, and has gone to the Senate, where the vote will be close. The bill defines all human beings, even pre-born, as legal persons with protection under the law. The bill could challenge the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade, which said if the fetus is ever determined to be a person, the arguments for Roe v. Wade would collapse. The bill’s second section will allow pro bono appointed lawyers to argue this case on behalf of the state (for free). Senators Byron Dorgan, John McCain and Harry Reid all voted for personhood legislation!

HB 1572 will be heading to the Judiciary Committee approximately March 16.

Call or email members of the committee now, especially Chairman David Nething, urging them to vote DO PASS in committee. Here are the members of that committee.

These phone numbers are their home phone numbers to call on weekends.

During the week, call the Legislative Switchboard 1-888-ND-LEGIS (635-3447).

Dave Nething – Chairman [email protected] 701-252-3353

Curtis Olafson - Vice Chairman [email protected] 701-993-8240

Tom Fiebiger [email protected] 701-280-7035

Stanley W. Lyson [email protected] 701-572-7025

Carolyn Nelson [email protected] 701-235-5161

Mac Schneider [email protected] 701-610-6092

The vote on the bill will probably come later in the week of March 16. Get at least five people to call or email their senators and ask them to get at least five others to do the same and keep this chain growing.

Script for calling friends, relatives, and fellow church members:

News Article From the Baptist Press

N.D. bill part of growing personhood movement

Posted on Feb 20, 2009 | by Michael Foust

BISMARCK, N.D. (BP)--The defeat of a personhood initiative in Colorado last November did little to stop what is becoming a nationwide movement, with seven states considering bills or initiatives that would provide legal protection to all persons from the moment of conception.

The bills and initiatives are unique in that none of them reference abortion, even though all of them take aim at the legal reasoning behind the infamous Roe v. Wade ruling.

The latest victory for the movement came Feb. 17 in North Dakota, where the state House passed a bill, 51-41, that says for the purposes of interpreting state law, "a human being includes any organism with the genome of homo sapiens." No state legislature had ever passed a personhood bill. Montana's Senate Judiciary Committee considered Feb. 19 a bill that says a person is "a human being at all stages of human development of life, including the state of fertilization or conception."

Pro-lifers in Mississippi -- one of the nation's most pro-life states -- are expected to begin a personhood petition drive soon. A drive already has begun in Oregon.

Legislators in Maryland, Alabama and South Carolina also are sponsoring personhood bills.

The new movement comes months after Colorado Amendment 48, which would have defined a person as "any human being from the moment of conception," failed at the ballot, 73-27 percent. It was the first time in the nation's history that voters considered a personhood law.

North Dakota Personhood Bill Passes, First In US History.

North Dakota Personhood Bill Passes, First In US History.

Bismarck, ND. Signaling the growing momentum of the personhood movement, North Dakota lawmakers approved HB 1572 with a vote of 51-41.

Rep. Dan Ruby introduced the "Personhood" bill, which affirms the rights of pre-born humans and states: "For purposes of interpretation of the constitution and laws of North Dakota, it is the intent of the legislative assembly that an individual, a person, when the context indicates that a reference to an individual is intended, or a human being includes any organism with the genome of homo sapiens."

Thousands of calls to legislators were made by pro-life grassroots volunteers who helped with this victory. Only one representative voiced opposition to the bill during the debate of the bill, while overwhelming public support was seen.

"Personhood USA applauds the leadership and support that the North Dakota Life League and North Dakota Family Alliance have shown to make this victory happen," stated Keith Mason of Personhood USA. He continued, "We thank Rep. Dan Ruby for his courage and for being actively pro-life. This great family man with his wife and 10 children are an example to us all."

"North Dakotans have gotten used to cold temperatures like -44 degrees, but they haven't gotten used to child-killing. We applaud and support their efforts to protect every baby by love and by law," commented Cal Zastrow, who, along with his family, worked on the North Dakota bill
on the grassroots level.

The next step for HB 1572 is to be voted on by the ND Senate which could happen in the next two weeks.

"HB 1572 brings us one step closer to applying the same laws that apply to you and me, to all humans," said Daniel Woodard, lobbyist with North Dakota Life League.

Personhood Legislation Introduced in North Dakota

Personhood Legislation Introduced in North Dakota

On Monday, January 19, State Representative Dan Ruby introduced "The Personhood of Children Act" into the North Dakota legislature. Personhood USA, an organization committed to supporting states in their efforts to declare legal personhood for every human being, is represented by leader Cal Zastrow, who is assisting with the strategy and promotion of the new bill (H.R. 1572).

The Personhood of Children Act reads as follows: " ... The state shall afford the equality and inherent rights guaranteed to individuals in section 1 of article 1 of the Constitution of North Dakota to all human beings from the beginning of their biological development, including the preborn, partially born..."

The North Dakota Personhood Movement

Personhood North Dakota Needs 300 Life-Advocates

What is an advocate? A Personhood Advocate is someone who won’t rest until every child is protected by love and by law.

Will you help establish humans rights for all?

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What is personhood?

When the term “Person” is granted to a human being, it refers to the presence of a particular set of characteristics that grant that individual certain rights such as the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In other words, to be a person is to be protected by a series of God given and constitutionally protected rights.
This terrifies the pro-abortion foes!!!

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